Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Williams, A. 1991. Monogeneans of the families Microcotylidae Taschenburg, 1879 and Heteraxinidae Price, 1962 from Western Australia, including the description of Polylabris sandarsae n. sp. (Microcotylidae). Systematic Parasitology 18: 17-43

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
PLATYHELMINTHES HETERAXINIDAE Gonoplasius carangis Sandars, 1944 Valid Name Gonoplasius carangis Sandars, 1944 Introduction 39
PLATYHELMINTHES MICROCOTYLIDAE Microcotyle arripis Sandars, 1945 Valid Name Microcotyle arripis Sandars, 1945 Introduction 24
PLATYHELMINTHES MICROCOTYLIDAE Microcotyle helotes Sandars, 1944 Valid Name Microcotyle helotes Sandars, 1944 Introduction 22
PLATYHELMINTHES MICROCOTYLIDAE Microcotyle pomatomi Goto, 1900 Valid Name Microcotyle pomatomi Goto, 1900 Introduction 20
PLATYHELMINTHES MICROCOTYLIDAE Microcotyle pomatomi Goto, 1900 Valid Name Microcotyle pomatomi Goto, 1900 Synonymy references
PLATYHELMINTHES MICROCOTYLIDAE Polylabris gerres (Sandars, 1944) Valid Name Polylabris gerres (Sandars, 1944) Introduction 37
PLATYHELMINTHES MICROCOTYLIDAE Polylabris sandarsae Williams, 1991 synonym Polylabris sandarsae Williams, 1991 Primary 33
PLATYHELMINTHES MICROCOTYLIDAE Polylabris sillaginae (Woolcock, 1936) Valid Name Polylabris sillaginae (Woolcock, 1936) Introduction 31
PLATYHELMINTHES MICROCOTYLIDAE Solostamenides pseudomugilis (Hargis, 1956) Valid Name Solostamenides pseudomugilis (Hargis, 1956) Introduction 27

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