Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Krzeminska, E. 2001. Nothotrichocera Alexander (Diptera : Trichoceridae): new species, redescriptions and phylogenetic relationships within the genus. Invertebrate Taxonomy 15: 205-216 [Date published 2001]

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA TRICHOCERIDAE Nothotrichocera Alexander, 1926 Valid Name Nothotrichocera Alexander, 1926 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TRICHOCERIDAE Nothotrichocera cingulata Alexander, 1926 Valid Name Nothotrichocera cingulata Alexander, 1926 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TRICHOCERIDAE Nothotrichocera collessi Krzeminska, E., 2001 synonym Nothotrichocera collessi Krzeminska, 2001 Primary 208
ARTHROPODA TRICHOCERIDAE Nothotrichocera cranstoni Krzeminska, 1994 Valid Name Nothotrichocera cranstoni Krzeminska, 1994 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TRICHOCERIDAE Nothotrichocera ruda Krzeminska, 1994 Valid Name Nothotrichocera ruda Krzeminska, 1994 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TRICHOCERIDAE Nothotrichocera tasmanica Alexander, 1926 Valid Name Nothotrichocera tasmanica Alexander, 1926 Distributions 212
ARTHROPODA TRICHOCERIDAE Nothotrichocera terebrella Alexander, 1926 Valid Name Nothotrichocera terebrella Alexander, 1926 Distributions
ARTHROPODA TRICHOCERIDAE Nothotrichocera tonnoiri Alexander, 1926 Valid Name Nothotrichocera tonnoiri Alexander, 1926 Distributions

Showing references 1 to 8 on page 1 of 1.