Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Pawson, D.L. 1965. Some echinozoans from north of New Zealand. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Zoology 5(15): 197-224 5 pls

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ECHINODERMATA BRISSIDAE Brissopsis oldhami Alcock, 1893 Valid Name Brissopsis oldhami Alcock, 1893 Introduction
ECHINODERMATA CASSIDULIDAE Oligopodia epigonus (von Martens, 1865) Valid Name Oligopodia epigonus (von Martens, 1865) Introduction
ECHINODERMATA ELPIDIIDAE Amperima Pawson, 1965 synonym Amperima Pawson, 1965 Primary 215
ECHINODERMATA FIBULARIIDAE Mortonia polyporus (Mortensen, 1922) Valid Name Mortonia polyporus (Mortensen, 1922) Introduction
ECHINODERMATA LAGANIDAE Peronella hinemoae Mortensen, 1922 Valid Name Peronella hinemoae Mortensen, 1922 Introduction

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