Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Davies, D.A.L. & Tobin, P. 1985. The dragonflies of the world: a systematic list of the extant species of Odonata. Vol. 2. Anisoptera. Societas Internationalis Odonatologica, Rapid Communications Suppl. 5: i-xi 1-151

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA AESHNIDAE Anaciaeschna Selys, 1878 Valid Name Anaciaeschna Selys, 1878 Distributions
ARTHROPODA AESHNIDAE Anax Leach, 1815 Valid Name Anax Leach, 1815 Distributions
ARTHROPODA AESHNIDAE Austrogynacantha Tillyard, 1908 Valid Name Austrogynacantha Tillyard, 1908 Distributions
ARTHROPODA AESHNIDAE Gynacantha Rambur, 1842 Valid Name Gynacantha Rambur, 1842 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Aethriamanta Kirby, 1889 Valid Name Aethriamanta Kirby, 1889 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Agrionoptera Brauer, 1864 Valid Name Agrionoptera Brauer, 1864 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Brachydiplax Brauer, 1868 Valid Name Brachydiplax Brauer, 1868 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Brachydiplax Brauer, 1868 synonym Brachydiplax Brauer, 1868 Secondary source
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Camacinia Kirby, 1889 Valid Name Camacinia Kirby, 1889 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Crocothemis Brauer, 1868 Valid Name Crocothemis Brauer, 1868 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Diplacodes Kirby, 1889 Valid Name Diplacodes Kirby, 1889 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Hydrobasileus Kirby, 1889 Valid Name Hydrobasileus Kirby, 1889 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Lathrecista Kirby, 1889 Valid Name Lathrecista Kirby, 1889 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Nannodiplax Brauer, 1868 Valid Name Nannodiplax Brauer, 1868 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Nannophlebia Selys, 1878 Valid Name Nannophlebia Selys, 1878 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Nannophya Rambur, 1842 Valid Name Nannophya Rambur, 1842 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Neurothemis Brauer, 1867 Valid Name Neurothemis Brauer, 1867 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Orthetrum Newman, 1833 Valid Name Orthetrum Newman, 1833 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Tetrathemis Brauer, 1868 Valid Name Tetrathemis Brauer, 1868 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Tholymis Hagen, 1867 Valid Name Tholymis Hagen, 1867 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Tramea Hagen, 1861 Valid Name Tramea Hagen, 1861 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Zyxomma Rambur, 1842 Valid Name Zyxomma Rambur, 1842 Distributions
ARTHROPODA CORDULIIDAE Hemicordulia Selys, 1870 Valid Name Hemicordulia Selys, 1870 Distributions
ARTHROPODA CORDULIIDAE Metaphya Laidlaw, 1912 Valid Name Metaphya Laidlaw, 1912 Distributions
ARTHROPODA CORDULIIDAE Procordulia Martin, 1907 Valid Name Procordulia Martin, 1907 Distributions
ARTHROPODA MACROMIIDAE Macromia Rambur, 1842 Valid Name Macromia Rambur, 1842 Distributions
ARTHROPODA SYNTHEMISTIDAE Synthemis Selys, 1870 Valid Name Synthemis Selys, 1870 Distributions

Showing references 1 to 28 on page 1 of 1.