Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Buchanan, G. 1909. Contributions to our knowledge of Australian earthworms. The blood vessels — Part I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria ns 22: 59-84

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) copelandi (Spencer, 1892) Valid Name Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) copelandi (Spencer, 1892) Introduction 78
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) davallia Spencer, 1900 Valid Name Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) davallia Spencer, 1900 Introduction 64
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) manni Spencer, 1900 Valid Name Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) manni Spencer, 1900 Introduction 66
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) obscura (Spencer, 1892) Valid Name Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) obscura (Spencer, 1892) Introduction 66
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) richardi Spencer, 1900 Valid Name Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) richardi Spencer, 1900 Introduction 68
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) yarraensis (Spencer, 1892) Valid Name Diporochaeta (Diporochaeta) yarraensis (Spencer, 1892) Introduction 76-77
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Diporochaeta (Vesiculodrilus) gippslandica (Spencer, 1892) Valid Name Diporochaeta (Vesiculodrilus) gippslandica (Spencer, 1892) Introduction 61-63
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Gemascolex dorsalis (Fletcher, 1887) Valid Name Gemascolex dorsalis (Fletcher, 1887) Introduction 72-73
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Perissogaster excavata Fletcher, 1887 Valid Name Perissogaster excavata Fletcher, 1887 Introduction 73
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Spenceriella macquariensis (Fletcher, 1890) Valid Name Spenceriella macquariensis (Fletcher, 1890) Introduction 67
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Trichaeta fielderi (Spencer, 1892) Valid Name Trichaeta fielderi (Spencer, 1892) Introduction 70-72
ANNELIDA MEGASCOLECIDAE Trichaeta goonmurk (Spencer, 1892) Valid Name Trichaeta goonmurk (Spencer, 1892) Introduction 63-64

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