Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Börner, C. 1930. Beiträge zu einem neuen System der Blattläuse. Archiv für Klassifikatorische und Phylogenetische Entomologie 1: 115-194

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ADELGIDAE Gilletteella Börner, 1930 synonym Adelges (Gilletteella) Börner, 1909 Primary 157
ARTHROPODA APHIDIDAE Aphis abietina Walker, 1849 Type Species subsequent designation Elatobium Mordvilko, 1914 185
ARTHROPODA APHIDIDAE Aphis sonchi Linnaeus, 1767 Type Species subsequent designation Uroleucon (Uroleucon) Mordvilko, 1914 141, 193
ARTHROPODA APHIDIDAE Pentatrichopus Börner, 1930 synonym Chaetosiphon (Pentatrichopus) Börner, 1930 Primary 140
ARTHROPODA APHIDIDAE Pleotrichophorus Börner, 1930 synonym Pleotrichophorus Börner, 1930 Primary 138
ARTHROPODA APHIDIDAE Rhopalosiphum Koch, 1854 synonym Rhopalosiphum Koch, 1854 Secondary source 191
ARTHROPODA APHIDIDAE Trichocallis Börner, 1930 synonym Thripsaphis (Trichocallis) Börner, 1930 Primary 127, 165

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