Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Myers, A.A. & George, A.M. 2017. Amphipoda living in sponges on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Zootaxa 4365(5): 571–584

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
PORIFERA SPONGIIDAE Coscinoderma Carter, 1883 Valid Name Coscinoderma Carter, 1883 572
ARTHROPODA AMPITHOIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Ampithoe cf. ramondi Audouin, 1826 572
ARTHROPODA AMPITHOIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Ampithoe cf. ramondi Audouin, 1826 572
ARTHROPODA AMPITHOIDAE Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld, 1886) [SPONGIIDAE] Associated Fauna Ampithoe cf. ramondi Audouin, 1826 572
ARTHROPODA AMPITHOIDAE Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld, 1886) [SPONGIIDAE] Associated Fauna Ampithoe cf. ramondi Audouin, 1826 572
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Aoroides parvus Myers, 2009 572
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Autonoe seurati (Chevreux, 1907) 572
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Aoroides parvus Myers, 2009 572
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Autonoe seurati (Chevreux, 1907) 572
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld, 1886) [SPONGIIDAE] Associated Fauna Aoroides parvus Myers, 2009 572
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld, 1886) [SPONGIIDAE] Associated Fauna Autonoe seurati (Chevreux, 1907) 572
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld, 1886) [SPONGIIDAE] Associated Fauna Aoroides parvus Myers, 2009 572
ARTHROPODA AORIDAE Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld, 1886) [SPONGIIDAE] Associated Fauna Autonoe seurati (Chevreux, 1907) 572
ARTHROPODA COLOMASTIGIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Colomastix plumosa Ledoyer, 1979 572
ARTHROPODA COLOMASTIGIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Colomastix plumosa Ledoyer, 1979 572
ARTHROPODA LEUCOTHOIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Leucothoe coelocarteriensis Myers & George, 2017 577
ARTHROPODA LEUCOTHOIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Leucothoe coelocarteriensis Myers & George, 2017 577
ARTHROPODA LEUCOTHOIDAE Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld) [SPONGIIDAE] Associated Fauna Leucothoe coscinoderma Myers & George, 2017 580
ARTHROPODA LEUCOTHOIDAE Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld) [SPONGIIDAE] Associated Fauna Leucothoe coscinoderma Myers & George, 2017 580
ARTHROPODA LEUCOTHOIDAE Ircinia microconulosa Pulitzer-Finali, 1982 [IRCINIIDAE] Associated Fauna Leucothoe ircinia Myers & George, 2017 574
ARTHROPODA LEUCOTHOIDAE Ircinia microconulosa Pulitzer-Finali, 1982 [IRCINIIDAE] Associated Fauna Leucothoe ircinia Myers & George, 2017 574
ARTHROPODA LEUCOTHOIDAE Leucothoe coelocarteriensis Myers & George, 2017 synonym Leucothoe coelocarteriensis Myers & George, 2017 Primary 577
ARTHROPODA LEUCOTHOIDAE Leucothoe coscinoderma Myers & George, 2017 synonym Leucothoe coscinoderma Myers & George, 2017 Primary 580
ARTHROPODA LEUCOTHOIDAE Leucothoe ircinia Myers & George, 2017 synonym Leucothoe ircinia Myers & George, 2017 Primary 574
ARTHROPODA MELITIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Dulichiella pacifica Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005 572
ARTHROPODA MELITIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Dulichiella pacifica Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005 572
ARTHROPODA MELITIDAE Ircinia microconulosa Pulitzer-Finali, 1982 [IRCINIIDAE] Associated Fauna Dulichiella pacifica Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005 572
ARTHROPODA MELITIDAE Ircinia microconulosa Pulitzer-Finali, 1982 [IRCINIIDAE] Associated Fauna Dulichiella pacifica Lowry & Springthorpe, 2005 572
ARTHROPODA DEXAMINIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Paradexamine quadratus Myers & LeCroy, 2009 572
ARTHROPODA DEXAMINIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Paradexamine quadratus Myers & LeCroy, 2009 572
ARTHROPODA PHOXOCEPHALIDAE Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld, 1886) [SPONGIIDAE] Associated Fauna Metaphoxus varanus Taylor, 2009 572
ARTHROPODA PHOXOCEPHALIDAE Coscinoderma mathewsi (Lendenfeld, 1886) [SPONGIIDAE] Associated Fauna Metaphoxus varanus Taylor, 2009 572
ARTHROPODA MAERIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Elasmopus crenulatus Berents, 1983 572
ARTHROPODA MAERIDAE Coelocarteria singaporensis (Carter, 1883) [ISODICTYIDAE] Associated Fauna Elasmopus crenulatus Berents, 1983 572

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