Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Smith, E.A. 1908. The known Recent species of Vanikoro Quoy and Gaimard. Proceedings of the Malacological Society 8: 104-117

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
MOLLUSCA VANIKORIDAE Vanikoro cancellata (Lamarck, 1822) Valid Name Vanikoro cancellata (Lamarck, 1822) Introduction 105-106
MOLLUSCA VANIKORIDAE Vanikoro foveolata Souverbie & Montrouzier, 1866 Valid Name Vanikoro foveolata Souverbie & Montrouzier, 1866 Introduction 108
MOLLUSCA VANIKORIDAE Vanikoro gueriniana (Récluz, 1844) Valid Name Vanikoro gueriniana (Récluz, 1844) Introduction 108
MOLLUSCA VANIKORIDAE Vanikoro helicoidea (le Guillou, 1842) Valid Name Vanikoro helicoidea (le Guillou, 1842) Introduction 107
MOLLUSCA VANIKORIDAE Vanikoro ligata (Récluz, 1844) Valid Name Vanikoro ligata (Récluz, 1844) Introduction 106-107
MOLLUSCA VANIKORIDAE Vanikoro orbignyana (Récluz, 1844) Valid Name Vanikoro orbignyana (Récluz, 1844) Introduction 110
MOLLUSCA VANIKORIDAE Vanikoro quoyiana A. Adams, 1854 Valid Name Vanikoro quoyiana A. Adams, 1854 Introduction 108
MOLLUSCA VANIKORIDAE Vanikoro sigaretiformis (Potiez & Michaud, 1838) Valid Name Vanikoro sigaretiformis (Potiez & Michaud, 1838) Introduction 112-113

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