Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Fain, A. 1967. Les hypopes parasites des tissus cellulaires des oiseaux (Hypodectidae : Sarcoptiformes). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 43: 1-139

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA HYPODERATIDAE Hypodectes propus (Nitzsch in Giebel, 1861) Valid Name Hypodectes propus (Nitzsch in Giebel, 1861) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HYPODERATIDAE Hypodectes propus bubulci Fain, 1967 synonym Hypodectes propus bubulci Fain, 1967 Primary
ARTHROPODA HYPODERATIDAE Neottialges bassani (Montagu, 1811) Valid Name Neottialges bassani (Montagu, 1811) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HYPODERATIDAE Neottialges evansi Fain, 1966 Valid Name Neottialges evansi Fain, 1966 Introduction
ARTHROPODA HYPODERATIDAE Neottialges plegadicola Fain, 1966 Valid Name Neottialges plegadicola Fain, 1966 Introduction
ARTHROPODA HYPODERATIDAE Tytodectes tyto Fain, 1966 Valid Name Tytodectes tyto Fain, 1966 Introduction

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