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Sub-publications- Carroll, S.P., Loye, J.E., Dingle, H., Mathieson, M., Famula, T.R. & Zalucki, M.P. 2005. And the beak shall inherit — evolution in response to invasion. Ecology 8(9): 944-951
- Choquenet, D. 1991. Density-dependent growth, body condition and demography in feral donkeys: testing the food hypothesis. Ecology 72: 805-813
- Dickman, C.R. 1988. Body size, prey size and community structure in insectivorous mammals. Ecology 69: 569-580
- Dickman, C.R. 1992. Predation and habitat shift in the house mouse, Mus domesticus. Ecology 73: 313-322
- Eubanks, M.D. & Denno, R.F. 2000. Host plants mediate omnivore-herbivore interactions and influence prey suppression. Ecology 81(4): 936-947
- Freeland, W.J. & Choquenot, D. 1990. Determinants of herbivore carrying capacity: plants, nutrients and Equus asinus in northern Australia. Ecology 71: 589-597
- Gallagher, E.D., Jumars, P.A. & Trueblood, D.D. 1983. Facilitation of soft bottom benthic succession by tube builders. Ecology 64: 1200-1216
- Gibbons, J.R.H. & Lillywhite, H.B. 1981. Ecological segregation, color matching, and speciation in lizards of the Amphibolurus decresii species complex (Lacertilia: Agamidae). Ecology 62: 1573-1584
- Gotelli, N.J. 1988. Determinants of recruitment, juvenile growth, and spatial distribution of a shallow water gorgonian. Ecology 69(1): 157-166
- Green, B. 1972. Water loss of the sand goanna (Varanus gouldii) in its natural environment. Ecology 53: 452-457
- Grigg, R.W. 1974. Growth rings: annual periodicity in two gorgonian corals. Ecology 55(4): 876-881
- Grigg, R.W. 1977. Population dynamics of two gorgonian corals. Ecology 58(2): 278-290
- Johnson, C.N. 1994. Nutritional ecology of a mycophagous marsupial in relation to production of hypogeous fungi. Ecology 75: 2015-2021
- Jones, M. 1997. Character displacement in Australian dasyurid carnivores: Size relationships and prey size patterns. Ecology 78: 2569-2587
- Keough, M.J. 1984. Dynamics of the epifauna of the bivalve Pinna bicolor: interactions among recruitment, predation, and competition. Ecology 65(3): 677-688
- Lasker, H.R. 1990. Clonal propagation and population dynamics of a gorgonian coral. Ecology 71(4): 1578-1589
- Markert, R.E., Markert, B.J. & Vertrees, N.J. 1961. Lunar periodicity in spawning and luminescence in Odontosyllis enopla. Ecology 42: 414-415
- Munday, P.L. 2004. Competitive coexistence of coral-dwelling fishes: the lottery hypothesis revisited. Ecology 85(3): 623–628
- Olson, R.R. 1985. The consequences of short distance larval dispersal in a sessile marine invertebrate. Ecology 66(1): 30-39
- Pianka, E.R. 1969. Sympatry of desert lizards (Ctenotus) in Western Australia. Ecology 50: 1012-1030
- Reddy, D.B. 1950. Influence of the interaction of environmental factors upon the immature stages of the rice weevil. Ecology 31(4): 641-642
- Sella, G. 1990. Sex allocation in the simultaneous hermaphroditic polychaete worm Ophryotrocha diadema. Ecology 71: 27-32
- Voris, H.K. 1966. Fish eggs as the apparent sole food item for a genus of sea snake, Emydocephalus (Krefft). Ecology 47: 152-154
- Walter, D.E. & O'Dowd, D.J. 1992. Leaves with domatia have more mites. Ecology 73: 1514-1518
- Wilson, W.H. 1983. The role of density dependence in a marine infaunal community. Ecology 64: 295-306