Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Paxton, J.R. 1989. Synopsis of the whalefishes (family Cetomimidae) with descriptions of four new genera. Records of the Australian Museum 41: 135-206

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CHORDATA CETOMIMIDAE Cetostoma Zugmayer, 1914 Valid Name Cetostoma Zugmayer, 1914 Introduction 170
CHORDATA CETOMIMIDAE Cetostoma regani Zugmayer, 1914 Valid Name Cetostoma regani Zugmayer, 1914 Introduction 171
CHORDATA CETOMIMIDAE Danacetichthys Paxton, 1989 synonym Danacetichthys Paxton, 1989 Primary 151, 168
CHORDATA CETOMIMIDAE Danacetichthys galathenus Paxton, 1989 synonym Danacetichthys galathenus Paxton, 1989 Primary 169, figs 1h, 3d, 4d, 11, 12,20
CHORDATA CETOMIMIDAE Gyrinomimus parri Bigelow, 1961 Valid Name Gyrinomimus parri Bigelow, 1961 Introduction 137
CHORDATA CETOMIMIDAE Rhamphocetichthys Paxton, 1989 synonym Rhamphocetichthys Paxton, 1989 Primary 151, 178
CHORDATA CETOMIMIDAE Rhamphocetichthys savagei Paxton, 1989 synonym Rhamphocetichthys savagei Paxton, 1989 Primary 178, figs 1i, 2d, 3f, 4g, 11, 12, 28
CHORDATA PLATYCEPHALIDAE Leviprora inops (Jenyns, 1840) Valid Name Leviprora inops (Jenyns, 1840) Synonymy references 515

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