Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Alexander, C.P. 1972. Diptera, Tipulidae. Insects of Micronesia 12: 733-863

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Conosia van der Wulp, 1880 Valid Name Conosia van der Wulp, 1880 Introduction 834
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Conosia van der Wulp, 1880 Valid Name Conosia van der Wulp, 1880 Distributions 834
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) fullawayi Alexander, 1915 Valid Name Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) fullawayi Alexander, 1915 Taxonomic arrangement 764
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Dicranomyia (Glochina) sordida sordida Brunetti, 1912 Valid Name Dicranomyia (Glochina) sordida sordida Brunetti, 1912 Introduction 770
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Dicranomyia fullawayi Alexander, 1915 synonym Dicranomyia (Dicranomyia) fullawayi fullawayi Alexander, 1915 Secondary source
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Discobola Osten Sacken, 1865 Valid Name Discobola Osten Sacken, 1865 Distributions 772
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Erioptera (Meterioptera) simulans Alexander, 1926 Valid Name Erioptera (Meterioptera) simulans Alexander, 1926 Introduction 839
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) brevivena (Skuse, 1890) Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) brevivena (Skuse, 1890) Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) cairnensis Alexander, 1920 Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) cairnensis Alexander, 1920 Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) dischidia Alexander, 1978 Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) dischidia Alexander, 1978 Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) fuscohalterata Alexander, 1926 Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) fuscohalterata Alexander, 1926 Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) hodgkini Alexander, 1950 Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) hodgkini Alexander, 1950 Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) mesoneura Alexander, 1931 Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) mesoneura Alexander, 1931 Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) perssoni Alexander, 1978 Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) perssoni Alexander, 1978 Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) protenta Alexander, 1978 Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) protenta Alexander, 1978 Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) queenslandica Alexander, 1920 Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) queenslandica Alexander, 1920 Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) skusei Alexander, 1919 Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) skusei Alexander, 1919 Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Gonomyia (Leiponeura) terraereginae Alexander, 1921 Valid Name Gonomyia (Leiponeura) terraereginae Alexander, 1921 Introduction 848
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Libnotes (Neolibnotes) obliqua (Alexander, 1922) Valid Name Libnotes (Neolibnotes) obliqua (Alexander, 1922) Introduction 816
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Libnotes (Neolibnotes) subaequalis (Alexander, 1921) Valid Name Libnotes (Neolibnotes) subaequalis (Alexander, 1921) Introduction 816
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Libnotes (Paralibnotes) bidentata (Skuse, 1890) Valid Name Libnotes (Paralibnotes) bidentata (Skuse, 1890) Introduction 818
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Libnotes (Paralibnotes) bidentata (Skuse, 1890) Valid Name Libnotes (Paralibnotes) bidentata (Skuse, 1890) Synonymy references 818
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Metalibnotes Alexander, 1972 synonym Libnotes (Metalibnotes) Alexander, 1972 Primary 809
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Neolibnotes Alexander, 1972 synonym Libnotes (Neolibnotes) Alexander, 1972 Primary 816
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Paralibnotes Alexander, 1972 synonym Libnotes (Paralibnotes) Alexander, 1972 Primary 818
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Syringomyia Alexander, 1972 synonym Styringomyia Loew, 1845 Primary 841
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Thrypticomyia marksae (Alexander, 1956) Valid Name Thrypticomyia marksae (Alexander, 1956) Introduction 822
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Thrypticomyia microstigma (Alexander, 1921) Valid Name Thrypticomyia microstigma (Alexander, 1921) Introduction 821
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Trentepohlia (Mongoma) australasiae Skuse, 1890 Valid Name Trentepohlia (Mongoma) australasiae Skuse, 1890 Introduction 857
ARTHROPODA LIMONIIDAE Trentepohlia (Mongoma) poliocephala Alexander, 1929 Valid Name Trentepohlia (Mongoma) poliocephala Alexander, 1929 Introduction 860

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