Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Forster, R.R. 1949. Australian Opiliones. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne 16: 59-89

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ASSAMIIDAE ASSAMIIDAE Sörensen, 1884 Valid Name ASSAMIIDAE Sörensen, 1884 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ASSAMIIDAE Dampetrus gracilis Forster, 1949 synonym Dampetrus gracilis Forster, 1949 Primary 86
ARTHROPODA ASSAMIIDAE Euwintonius continentalis Roewer, 1923 Valid Name Euwintonius continentalis Roewer, 1923 Introduction 87
ARTHROPODA LOMANELLIDAE Lomanella kallista Forster, 1949 synonym Lomanella kallista Forster, 1949 Primary 81
ARTHROPODA SCLEROSOMATIDAE Nodala Forster, 1949 synonym Nelima Roewer, 1910 Primary 70
ARTHROPODA NEOPILIONIDAE Macropsalis hoggi Pocock, 1903 synonym Megalopsalis hoggi (Pocock, 1903) Type Data 61
ARTHROPODA NEOPILIONIDAE Megalopsalis hoggi (Pocock, 1903) Valid Name Megalopsalis hoggi (Pocock, 1903) Introduction 61
ARTHROPODA NEOPILIONIDAE Spinicrus Forster, 1949 synonym Megalopsalis Roewer, 1923 Primary 63
ARTHROPODA NEOPILIONIDAE Spinicrus camelus Forster, 1949 synonym Neopantopsalis camelus (Forster, 1949) Primary 64
ARTHROPODA NEOPILIONIDAE Spinicrus stewarti Forster, 1949 synonym Megalopsalis stewarti (Forster, 1949) Primary 68
ARTHROPODA TRIAENONYCHIDAE Conoculus Forster, 1949 synonym Conoculus Forster, 1949 Primary 84
ARTHROPODA TRIAENONYCHIDAE Conoculus asperus Forster, 1949 synonym Conoculus asperus Forster, 1949 Primary 84
ARTHROPODA TRIAENONYCHIDAE Nunciella tuberculata Forster, 1949 synonym Nunciella tuberculata Forster, 1949 Primary 71
ARTHROPODA TRIAENONYCHIDAE Paranuncia gigantea Roewer, 1915 Valid Name Paranuncia gigantea Roewer, 1915 Introduction 75
ARTHROPODA TRIAENONYCHIDAE Paranuncia ingens Roewer, 1931 Valid Name Paranuncia ingens Roewer, 1931 Introduction 79

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