Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Anderson, G.J. & Symon, D. 1988. Insect foragers on Solanum flowers in Australia. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Gardens 75: 842-852 [Date published 31/12/1988]

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA HALICTIDAE Lipotriches (Austronomia) dimissa (Cockerell, 1921) Valid Name Lipotriches (Austronomia) dimissa (Cockerell, 1921) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HALICTIDAE Lipotriches (Austronomia) flavoviridis (Cockerell, 1905) Valid Name Lipotriches (Austronomia) flavoviridis (Cockerell, 1905) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HALICTIDAE Nomia (Hoplonomia) rubroviridis Cockerell, 1905 Valid Name Nomia (Hoplonomia) rubroviridis Cockerell, 1905 Introduction
ARTHROPODA APIDAE Amegilla (Notomegilla) aeruginosa (Smith, 1854) Valid Name Amegilla (Notomegilla) aeruginosa (Smith, 1854) Introduction
ARTHROPODA APIDAE Amegilla (Zonamegilla) pulchra (Smith, 1854) Valid Name Amegilla (Zonamegilla) pulchra (Smith, 1854) Introduction
ARTHROPODA APIDAE Xylocopa (Koptortosoma) aruana Ritsema, 1876 Valid Name Xylocopa (Koptortosoma) aruana Ritsema, 1876 Introduction

Showing references 1 to 7 on page 1 of 1.