Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Sales, J.B.L., Oliveira, C.N. de, Santos, W.C.R. dos, Rotundo, M.M., Ferreira, Y., Ready, J., Sampaio, I., Oliveira, C., Cruz, V.P., Mendoza, R.E.L. & Rodrigues-Filho, L.F. da S. 2019. Phylogeography of eagle rays of the genus Aetobatus: Aetobatus narinar is restricted to the continental western Atlantic Ocean. Hydrobiologia 836: 169-183 [Date published 5 Apr 2019]

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CHORDATA AETOBATIDAE Aetobatus narinari Euphrasén, 1790 Species Excluded Misidentifications Aetobatus Blainville, 1816

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