Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Smith, H.G. & Wilkinson, D.M. 1986. Biogeography of testate rhizopods in the southern temperate and Antarctic zones. pp. 83-96 in Trehen, P. (ed). Colloque sur les ecosystemes terrestres subantarctiques. Paimpont : C. N. F. R. A. Vol. 58.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
AMOEBOZOA NEBELIDAE Nebela bohemica Taranek, 1882 Valid Name Nebela bohemica Taranek, 1882 Introduction
AMOEBOZOA NEBELIDAE Nebela certesi Penard, 1911 Valid Name Nebela certesi Penard, 1911 Introduction
AMOEBOZOA NEBELIDAE Nebela dentistoma dentistoma Penard, 1890 Valid Name Nebela dentistoma dentistoma Penard, 1890 Introduction
AMOEBOZOA NEBELIDAE Nebela dentistoma lageniformis Playfair, 1918 Valid Name Nebela dentistoma lageniformis Playfair, 1918 Introduction
AMOEBOZOA NEBELIDAE Nebela martiali Certes, 1889 Valid Name Nebela martiali Certes, 1889 Introduction
AMOEBOZOA NEBELIDAE Nebela tubulosa Penard, 1902 Valid Name Nebela tubulosa Penard, 1902 Introduction
AMOEBOZOA NEBELIDAE Nebela vas Certes, 1889 Valid Name Nebela vas Certes, 1889 Introduction
AMOEBOZOA NEBELIDAE Nebela wellingtonia Decloitre, 1964 Valid Name Nebela wellingtonia Decloitre, 1964 Introduction
AMOEBOZOA CENTROPYXIDAE Centropyxis aerophila aerophila Deflandre, 1929 Valid Name Centropyxis aerophila aerophila Deflandre, 1929 Introduction

Showing references 1 to 9 on page 1 of 1.