Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Mynott, J.H., Suter, P.J. & Theischinger, G. 2017. Revision of the genus Dinotoperla Tillyard, 1921 (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae) using morphological characters and molecular data: Establishes two new genera, three new species and updates the larval taxonomy. Zootaxa 4224(1): 1–76

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Dinotoperla Tillyard, 1921 Valid Name Dinotoperla Tillyard, 1921 Introduction
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Dinotoperla aryballoi Mynott, Suter & Theischinger, 2017 synonym Dinotoperla aryballoi Mynott, Suter & Theischinger, 2017 Primary 14
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Dinotoperla tasmaniensis Mynott, Suter & Theischinger, 2017 synonym Dinotoperla tasmaniensis Mynott, Suter & Theischinger, 2017 Primary 38
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Odontoperla Mynott, Suter & Theischinger, 2017 synonym Odontoperla Mynott, Suter & Theischinger, 2017 Primary 52
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Oedemaperla Mynott, Suter & Theischinger, 2017 synonym Oedemaperla Mynott, Suter & Theischinger, 2017 Primary 55
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Oedemaperla shackletoni Mynott, Suter & Theischinger, 2017 synonym Oedemaperla shackletoni Mynott, Suter & Theischinger, 2017 Primary 56
ARTHROPODA GRIPOPTERYGIDAE Trinotoperla tasmanica (McLellan, 1971) Valid Name Trinotoperla tasmanica (McLellan, 1971) Introduction 39

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