Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Walker, F. 1861. Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected in Batchian, Kaisaa and Makian, and at Tidon in Celebes, by Mr. A.R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species. Journal and Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London. Zoology 5: 270-303

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CALLIPHORIDAE Musca nitescens Walker, 1861 synonym Lucilia papuensis Macquart, 1843 Primary
ARTHROPODA HIPPOBOSCIDAE Ornithomyia batchianica Walker, 1861 synonym Ornithoctona plicata (Olfers, 1816) Primary 300
ARTHROPODA NYCTERIBIIDAE Nycteribia parilis Walker, 1861 synonym Nycteribia parilis Walker, 1861 Primary 300
ARTHROPODA STRATIOMYIDAE Sargus tarsalis Walker, 1861 synonym Ptecticus complens (Walker, 1858) Primary
ARTHROPODA SYRPHIDAE Eristalis inficita Walker, 1861 synonym Kertesziomyia conducta (Walker, 1858) Primary 303
ARTHROPODA LAUXANIIDAE Cephaloconus Walker, 1861 synonym Cephaloconus Walker, 1861 Primary 299-300
ARTHROPODA LAUXANIIDAE Cephaloconus tenebrosus Walker, 1861 synonym Cephaloconus tenebrosus Walker, 1861 Primary 300
ARTHROPODA TEPHRITIDAE Adrama consors Walker, 1861 synonym Ichneumonosoma consors (Walker, 1861) Primary 296
ARTHROPODA TEPHRITIDAE Dacus strigifinis Walker, 1861 synonym Zeugodacus (Sinodacus) strigifinis (Walker, 1861) Primary 295
ARTHROPODA TACHINIDAE Echinomyia sarcophagoides Walker, 1861 synonym Cuphocera iavana (Wiedemann, 1819) Primary 303
ARTHROPODA TACHINIDAE Masicera? ficta Walker, 1861 synonym Bactromyiella ficta (Walker, 1861) Primary 286

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