Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Okuno, J. & Bruce, J. 2010. Designation of Ancylomenes gen. nov. for the 'Pericimenes aesopius species group' (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae), with the description of a new species and a checklist of congeneric species. Zootaxa 2372: 85-105

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Ancylomenes Okuno & Bruce, 2010 synonym Ancylomenes Okuno & Bruce, 2010 Primary 85-88
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Ancylomenes adularans (Bruce, 2003) Valid Name Ancylomenes adularans (Bruce, 2003) Distributions 96
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Ancylomenes tosaensis (Kubo, 1951) Valid Name Ancylomenes tosaensis (Kubo, 1951) Distributions 101
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Periclimenes (Ancylocaris) tosaensis Kubo, 1951 synonym Ancylomenes tosaensis (Kubo, 1951) Secondary source 101
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Periclimenes magnificus Bruce, 1979 synonym Ancylomenes magnificus (Bruce, 1979) Secondary source 99
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Periclimenes speciosus Okuno, 2004 synonym Ancylomenes speciosus (Okuno, 2004) Secondary source 100
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Periclimenes tenuirostris Bruce, 1991 synonym Ancylomenes tenuirostris (Bruce, 1991) Secondary source 101

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