Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Checa, A.G. & Harper, E.M. 2010. Spikey bivalves: intra-periostracal crystal growth in anomalodesmatans. Biological Bulletin 219: 231-248

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
MOLLUSCA LATERNULIDAE Laternula (Laternula) valenciennesii (Reeve, 1863) Valid Name Laternula (Laternula) valenciennesii (Reeve, 1863) Introduction
MOLLUSCA MYOCHAMIDAE Myadora brevis (Sowerby, 1829) Valid Name Myadora brevis (Sowerby, 1829) Introduction
MOLLUSCA MYOCHAMIDAE Myadora complexa Iredale, 1924 Valid Name Myadora complexa Iredale, 1924 Introduction
MOLLUSCA LYONSIELLIDAE Lyonsiella G. Sars, 1872 Valid Name Lyonsiella G. Sars, 1872 Introduction
MOLLUSCA THRACIIDAE Thraciopsis angustata (Angas, 1867) Valid Name Thraciopsis angustata (Angas, 1867) Introduction

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