Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Wiedenmayer, F. 1989. Demospongiae (Porifera) from northern Bass Strait (Shelf of Southern Australia). Memoirs of Museum Victoria 50(1): 1-242

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
PORIFERA PORIFERA Grant, 1836 Valid Name PORIFERA Grant, 1836 Introduction
PORIFERA ANCORINIDAE Ancorina repens Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Ancorina repens Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 16
PORIFERA ANCORINIDAE Ancorina suina Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Ancorina suina Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 18
PORIFERA ANCORINIDAE Ecionemia geodides (Carter, 1886) Valid Name Ecionemia geodides (Carter, 1886) Introduction 14
PORIFERA ANCORINIDAE Ecionemia robusta (Carter, 1883) Valid Name Ecionemia robusta (Carter, 1883) Introduction 17
PORIFERA ANCORINIDAE Jaspis stellifera (Carter, 1879) Valid Name Jaspis stellifera (Carter, 1879) Introduction 26
PORIFERA ANCORINIDAE Rhabdastrella cordata Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Rhabdastrella cordata Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 21
PORIFERA ANCORINIDAE Rhabdastrella intermedia Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Rhabdastrella intermedia Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 22
PORIFERA ANCORINIDAE Stelletta arenitecta Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Stelletta arenitecta Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 20
PORIFERA AXINELLIDAE Pseudaxinella decipiens Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Dragmacidon decipiens (Wiedenmayer, 1989) Primary 47
PORIFERA CALLYSPONGIIDAE Callyspongia (Callyspongia) asparagus (Lamarck, 1814) Valid Name Callyspongia (Callyspongia) asparagus (Lamarck, 1814) Introduction 106
PORIFERA CALLYSPONGIIDAE Callyspongia (Callyspongia) bilamellata (Lamarck, 1814) Valid Name Callyspongia (Callyspongia) bilamellata (Lamarck, 1814) Introduction 106
PORIFERA CALLYSPONGIIDAE Callyspongia (Callyspongia) ramosa (Gray, 1843) Valid Name Callyspongia (Callyspongia) ramosa (Gray, 1843) Introduction 112
PORIFERA CALLYSPONGIIDAE Callyspongia (Callyspongia) serpentina (Lamarck, 1814) Valid Name Callyspongia (Callyspongia) serpentina (Lamarck, 1814) Synonymy references 115
PORIFERA CALLYSPONGIIDAE Callyspongia (Cladochalina) pergamentacea (Ridley, 1881) Valid Name Callyspongia (Cladochalina) pergamentacea (Ridley, 1881) Synonymy references 109
PORIFERA CALLYSPONGIIDAE Callyspongia persculpta Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Callyspongia (Callyspongia) persculpta Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 110
PORIFERA CALLYSPONGIIDAE Callyspongia toxifera Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Callyspongia (Callyspongia) toxifera Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 117
PORIFERA CHONDROSIIDAE Chondrosia reticulata (Carter, 1886) Valid Name Chondrosia reticulata (Carter, 1886) Introduction 36
PORIFERA CHONDROSIIDAE Halisarca reticulata Carter, 1886 synonym Chondrosia reticulata (Carter, 1886) Secondary source 36
PORIFERA DARWINELLIDAE Darwinella australiensis Carter, 1885 Valid Name Darwinella australiensis Carter, 1885 Introduction 147
PORIFERA DARWINELLIDAE Darwinella gardineri Topsent, 1905 Valid Name Darwinella gardineri Topsent, 1905 Introduction 149
PORIFERA DARWINELLIDAE Dendrilla cactos (Selenka, 1867) Valid Name Dendrilla cactos (Selenka, 1867) Synonymy references 152
PORIFERA DYSIDEIDAE Dysidea avara (Schmidt, 1862) Valid Name Dysidea avara (Schmidt, 1862) Introduction 144
PORIFERA PLAKINIDAE Corticium candelabrum Schmidt, 1862 Valid Name Corticium candelabrum Schmidt, 1862 Introduction 13
PORIFERA POLYMASTIIDAE Polymastia crassa Carter, 1886 Valid Name Polymastia crassa Carter, 1886 Introduction 32
PORIFERA TRACHYCLADIDAE Trachycladus laevispirulifer Carter, 1879 Valid Name Trachycladus laevispirulifer Carter, 1879 Introduction 53
PORIFERA APLYSINELLIDAE Suberea ianthelliformis (Lendenfeld, 1888) Valid Name Suberea ianthelliformis (Lendenfeld, 1888) Introduction 154
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Batzella Topsent, 1893 Valid Name Batzella Topsent, 1893 Introduction 69
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Batzella inaequalis Hentschel, 1911 Valid Name Batzella inaequalis Hentschel, 1911 Synonymy references 69
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Chondropsis arenifera Carter, 1886 Valid Name Chondropsis arenifera Carter, 1886 Introduction 71
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Chondropsis kirki (Bowerbank, 1841) Valid Name Chondropsis kirki (Bowerbank, 1841) Synonymy references 73
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Phoriospongia Marshall, 1880 Valid Name Phoriospongia Marshall, 1880 Distributions
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Phoriospongia Marshall, 1880 Valid Name Phoriospongia Marshall, 1880 Synonymy references 71
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Phoriospongia argentea (Marshall, 1880) Valid Name Phoriospongia argentea (Marshall, 1880) Introduction
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Phoriospongia carcinophila (Lendenfeld, 1889) Valid Name Phoriospongia carcinophila (Lendenfeld, 1889) Introduction
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Psammoclema bitextum Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Psammoclema bitextum Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 75
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Psammoclema callosum (Marshall, 1880) Valid Name Psammoclema callosum (Marshall, 1880) Introduction 76
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Psammoclema densum (Marshall, 1880) Valid Name Psammoclema densum (Marshall, 1880) Synonymy references 76
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Psammoclema fissuratum Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Psammoclema fissuratum Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 77
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Psammoclema goniodes Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Psammoclema goniodes Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 78
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Psammoclema nodosum (Carter, 1885) Valid Name Psammoclema nodosum (Carter, 1885) Introduction 79
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Psammoclema radiatum Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Psammoclema radiatum Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 80
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Psammoclema ramosum Marshall, 1880 Valid Name Psammoclema ramosum Marshall, 1880 Introduction 80
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Psammoclema stipitatum Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Psammoclema stipitatum Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 81
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Psammoclema vansoesti Wiedenmayer, 1989 synonym Psammoclema vansoesti Wiedenmayer, 1989 Primary 82
PORIFERA CHONDROPSIDAE Strongylacidon stelliderma (Carter, 1886) Valid Name Strongylacidon stelliderma (Carter, 1886) Introduction 68
PORIFERA CLIONAIDAE Spheciospongia papillosa (Ridley & Dendy, 1886) Valid Name Spheciospongia papillosa (Ridley & Dendy, 1886) Introduction 35
PORIFERA IRCINIIDAE Ircinia caliculata Lendenfeld, 1888 Valid Name Ircinia caliculata Lendenfeld, 1888 Introduction 135
PORIFERA TETHYIDAE Tethya ingalli Bowerbank, 1859 Valid Name Tethya ingalli Bowerbank, 1859 Introduction 29

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