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Sub-publications- Sars, M. 1862. Uddrag af en af detaillerede Afbildninger ledsaget udffrlig Beskrivelse over fflgende norske Annelider. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1861: 87-95
- Sars, M. 1868. Om Afbildninger af nogle af hans Son i forrige Aar ved Lofoten fundne Echinodermer og Coelenterater. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1867: 19-23
- Sars, M. 1872. Diagnoser af nye annelider fra Christianiafjorden. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1871: 406-417
- Vinson, J. 1960. Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Mauritius and Rodrigues. Part III. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 4: 131-196
- Ward, M. 1942. A new genus and eight new species of Brachyura from Mauritius and the Chagos Archipelago. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 2(2): 39-48 pls 2-4
- Ward, M. 1942. Notes on the Crustacea of the Desjardins Museum, Mauritius Institute with descriptions of new genera and species. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 2(2): 49-113 pls 5-6
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