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Sub-publications- Boeck, A. 1860. Tvende nye parasitiske Krebsdyr, Artotrogus orbicularis og Asterocheres Liljeborgii. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 2: 171-182, pls 1-2 [dated 1859, published 1860]
- Boeck, A. 1864. Beskrivelse og fremlagde Tegninger af 4 norske Decapoer, undersègte af Overlaege Danielssen og ham. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1863: 189-190
- Boeck, A. 1865. Oversigt over de ved Norges Kyster jagttagne Copepoder henhörende til Calanidernes, Cyclopidernes og Harpactidernes Familier. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1864: 226-282
- Boeck, A. 1871. Crustacea Amphipoda Borealia et Arctica. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1870: 81-280 i-viii
- Boeck, A. 1873. Nye Slaegter of Arter af Saltvands-Copepoder. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1872: 35-60 [Date published 1873: dated 1872]
- Collett, R. 1879. Fiske fra Nordhvas-Expeditiones sidste Togt, Sommeren 1878. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1878(14): 1-106
- Collett, R. 1884. Echidna acanthion, en sandsynligvis ubeskreven art myre-pindsvin fra Nord-Queensland. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1884(13): 1-12
- Esmark, L. 1871. Om den sorte Rotte, Mus rattus. Om en for Skandinavien ny Dagsommerfugle samt om nogle sjeldent forekommende Tusm orkesvaermere. Om tvende nye Fiske-Arter: Argyropelecus elongatus E. og Maurolicus tripunctulatus E. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 13: 486-490 [dated 1870]
- Kiaer, J. 1893. Oversight över Norges ascidiae simplices. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 9: 1-105
- Ledoyer, M. 1978. Amphipodes gammariens (Crustacea) des biotopes cantaires organogènes récifaux d'Ile Maurice. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 8(3): 197-332
- Lütken, C.F. 1870. Conspectus Cyamidarum borealium hujusque cognitarum. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 13: 279-280
- Sars, G.O. 1862. Fortsatte sit Foredrag over de af ham i Omegmen af Christiania iagttanne Crustacea. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1861: 250-302
- Sars, G.O. 1862. Meddeelte en af talrige Afbildninger ledsaget ovesight af de ham i Omegmen af Christiania iagtagne Crustacea Cladocera. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1861: 144-167
- Sars, G.O. 1862. Oversight af de af ham I Omegnen af Christiania iagttagne Crustacea-Cladocera. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1862: 289 [Date published 1861]
- Sars, G.O. 1863. Oversigt af de indenlandske Ferskvandcopepoder. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1862: 212-262
- Sars, G.O. 1865. Om den aberrante Krebsdyr-gruppe Cumacea og dens nordiske arter. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1864: 128-208
- Sars, G.O. 1870. Nye Dybvandscrustaceer fra Lofoten. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute (1869): 147-174
- Sars, G.O. 1872. Underígelser over Hardanger fjordens fauna. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1871: 246-286
- Sars, G.O. 1872. Undersøgelser over Hardengerfjordens Fauna. I. Crustacea. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1871: 245-286
- Sars, G.O. 1883. Oversigt af Norges Crustaceer medforelobige bemaerkninger over de nye eller mindre bekjende Arter. 1. (Podophthalmata-Cumacea-Isopoda-Amphipoda). Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 18: 1-124 [publication dated 1882]
- Sars, G.O. 1883. Preliminary notices on the Schizopoda of H.M.S. "Challenger" Expedition. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 7: 1-43
- Sars, G.O. 1883. Preliminary notices on the Schizopoda of H.M.S. Challenger Expedition. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 7: 1-43
- Sars, G.O. 1889. On a small collection of freshwater Entomostraca from Sydney. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 9: 1-9
- Sars, G.O. 1889. On a small collection of freshwater Entomostraca from Sydney. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1889(9): 1-9
- Sars, G.O. 1894. Contributions to knowledge of the freshwater Entomostraca of New Zealand as shown by artificial hatching from dried mud. Bulletin of the Mauritius Institute 1894: 1-62