Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Brimblecombe, A.R. 1955. Studies of the Coccoidea. 3. The genera Chentraspis, Clavaspis, Lindingaspis, and Morganella in Queensland. Queensland Journal of Agricultural Science 12: 39-56

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA DIASPIDIDAE Chentraspis unilobis (Maskell, 1895) Valid Name Chentraspis unilobis (Maskell, 1895) Introduction 40-41
ARTHROPODA DIASPIDIDAE Clavaspis herculeana (Doane & Hadden, 1909) Valid Name Clavaspis herculeana (Doane & Hadden, 1909) Introduction 42-45
ARTHROPODA DIASPIDIDAE Lindingaspis neorossi McKenzie, 1950 Valid Name Lindingaspis neorossi McKenzie, 1950 Introduction 45
ARTHROPODA DIASPIDIDAE Lindingaspis rossi (Maskell, 1892) Valid Name Lindingaspis rossi (Maskell, 1892) Introduction 45-51
ARTHROPODA DIASPIDIDAE Lindingaspis victoriae (Cockerell, 1899) Valid Name Lindingaspis victoriae (Cockerell, 1899) Introduction 51
ARTHROPODA DIASPIDIDAE Morganella longispina (Morgan, 1889) Valid Name Morganella longispina (Morgan, 1889) Introduction 54-56

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