Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Colloff, M.J. & Perdomo, G. 2009. New species of Crotonia (Acari: Oribatida: Camisiidae) from Nothofagus and Eucalyptus forests in Victoria, Australia, with a redescription of the fossil species Crotonia ramus (Womersley, 1957). Zootaxa 2217: 1–36

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia alpina Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 synonym Crotonia alpina Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 Primary
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia ardala Luxton, 1987 Valid Name Crotonia ardala Luxton, 1987 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia blacki Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 synonym Crotonia blacki Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 Primary
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia borbora Luxton, 1987 Valid Name Crotonia borbora Luxton, 1987 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia capistrata Luxton, 1987 Valid Name Crotonia capistrata Luxton, 1987 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia cornuta Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 synonym Crotonia cornuta Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 Primary
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia gadubanudi Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 synonym Crotonia gadubanudi Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 Primary
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia jethurmerae Lee, 1985 Valid Name Crotonia jethurmerae Lee, 1985 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia momitoi Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 synonym Crotonia momitoi Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 Primary
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia pyemaireneri Colloff, 2009 Valid Name Crotonia pyemaireneri Colloff, 2009 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia ramus (Womersley, 1956) Valid Name Crotonia ramus (Womersley, 1956) Introduction
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia tasmaniana Colloff, 2009 Valid Name Crotonia tasmaniana Colloff, 2009 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia tasmanica Łochyńska, 2008 Valid Name Crotonia tasmanica Łochyńska, 2008 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia tryjanowskii Olszanowski, 2000 Valid Name Crotonia tryjanowskii Olszanowski, 2000 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CROTONIIDAE Crotonia victoriae Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 synonym Crotonia victoriae Colloff & Perdomo, 2009 Primary

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