Showing references 1 to 50 on page 1 of 2. 1 | 2 Next »
Phylum | Family | Name | Name Type | Valid Name | Usage | Page |
ARTHROPODA | CRABRONIDAE | Crabro neglectus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Williamsita neglecta (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 249 |
ARTHROPODA | CRABRONIDAE | Crabro nigromaculatus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Chimiloides nigromaculatus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 249 |
ARTHROPODA | CRABRONIDAE | Crabro tridentatus Smith, 1868 | junior homonym | Williamsita smithiensis Leclercq, 1954 | Primary | 250 |
ARTHROPODA | CRABRONIDAE | Gorytes ornatus Smith, 1868 | junior homonym | Ammatomus decoratus (Handlirsch, 1889) | Primary | 248 |
ARTHROPODA | CRABRONIDAE | Pison nitidus Smith, 1868 | junior homonym | Pison fenestratum Smith, 1869 | Primary | 248 |
ARTHROPODA | MEGACHILIDAE | Lithurgus cognatus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Austrothurgus cognatus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | |
ARTHROPODA | MEGACHILIDAE | Megachile fabricator Smith, 1868 | synonym | Megachile (Mitchellapis) fabricator Smith, 1868 | Primary | 256 |
ARTHROPODA | MEGACHILIDAE | Megachile fumipennis Smith, 1868 | synonym | Megachile fumipennis Smith, 1868 | Primary | 257 |
ARTHROPODA | MEGACHILIDAE | Megachile imitata Smith, 1868 | synonym | Megachile (Eutricharaea) australasiae Dalla Torre, 1896 | Primary | 257 |
ARTHROPODA | MEGACHILIDAE | Megachile monstrosa Smith, 1868 | synonym | Megachile (Schizomegachile) monstrosa Smith, 1868 | Primary | 256 |
ARTHROPODA | MEGACHILIDAE | Megachile nasuta Smith, 1868 | synonym | Megachile (Hackeriapis) canifrons Smith, 1853 | Primary | 258 |
ARTHROPODA | MEGACHILIDAE | Megachile sexmaculata Smith, 1868 | synonym | Megachile (Austrochile) sexmaculata Smith, 1868 | Primary | 257 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Pompilus distinctus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Cryptocheilus distinctus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 242 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Pompilus diversus Smith, 1868 | junior homonym | Agenioideus nigricornis (Fabricius, 1775) | Primary | 243 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Pompilus infandus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Sphictostethus infandus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 244 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Pompilus irritabilis Smith, 1868 | synonym | Calopompilus irritabilis (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 243 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Pompilus lugubris Smith, 1868 | synonym | Pompilus lugubris Smith, 1868 | Primary | 242 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Pompilus melancholicus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Turneromyia melancholicus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 244 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Pompilus tricolor Smith, 1868 | synonym | Batozonellus tricolor (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 242 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Pompilus velox Smith, 1868 | synonym | Dolichocurgus velox (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 241 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Pompilus vespoides Smith, 1868 | synonym | Batozonellus vespoides (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 244 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Priocnemis affectata Smith, 1868 | synonym | Calopompilus affectata (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 245 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Priocnemis defensor Smith, 1868 | synonym | Calopompilus defensor (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 245 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Priocnemis ephippiata Smith, 1868 | synonym | Eremocurgus ephippiatus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 246 |
ARTHROPODA | POMPILIDAE | Priocnemis polydorus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Calopompilus raptor (Smith, 1862) | Primary | 246 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Aelurus volatilis Smith, 1868 | synonym | Tachynomyia volatilis (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 237 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Dimorphoptera Smith, 1868 | synonym | Cosila Guérin-Méneville, 1838 | Primary | 238 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Dimorphoptera clypeata Smith, 1868 | synonym | Anthobosca clypeata (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 239 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Dimorphoptera fastuosa Smith, 1868 | synonym | Anthobosca fastuosa (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 240 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Dimorphoptera nigripennis Smith, 1868 | synonym | Cosila australis (Sichel, 1864) | Primary | 239 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Dimorphoptera scoliiformis Smith, 1868 | synonym | Cosila australis (Sichel, 1864) | Primary | 239 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Dimorphoptera signata morosa Smith, 1868 | synonym | Cosila signata (Smith, 1855) | Primary | 239 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Elidothynnus irritans Smith, 1868 | synonym | Elidothynnus irritans (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 235 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Lestricothynnus impetuosus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Belothynnus impetuosus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 233 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Lestricothynnus modestus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Lestricothynnus modestus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 19 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Rhagigaster simillimus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Dimorphothynnus simillimus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 244 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Tachypterus albopictus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Diamma bicolor Westwood, 1835 | Primary | 237 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Thynnus (Agriomyia) baccatus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Iswaroides baccatus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 236 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Thynnus (Agriomyia) incensus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Aeolothynnus incensus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 236 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Thynnus apterus audax Smith, 1868 | synonym | Catocheilus apterus (Olivier, 1811) | Primary | 234 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Thynnus campanularis Smith, 1868 | synonym | Zaspilothynnus campanularis (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 232 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Thynnus conspicuus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Agriomyia albomaculata (Smith, 1859) | Primary | 233 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Thynnus oblongus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Guerinius picipes (Westwood, 1844) | Primary | 232 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Thynnus ochrocephalus Smith, 1868 | synonym | Zaspilothynnus ochrocephalus (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 321 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Thynnus seductor Smith, 1868 | synonym | Zaspilothynnus seductor (Smith, 1868) | Primary | 234 |
ARTHROPODA | TIPHIIDAE | Thynnus subinterruptus Smith, 1868 | junior homonym | Elidothynnus frater (Dalla Torre, 1897) | Primary | 235 |
ARTHROPODA | VESPIDAE | Paragia concinna Smith, 1868 | synonym | Paragia venusta Smith, 1865 | Primary | 251 |
ARTHROPODA | VESPIDAE | Paragia morosa Smith, 1868 | synonym | Paragia morosa Smith, 1868 | Primary | 251 |
ARTHROPODA | VESPIDAE | Paragia nasuta Smith, 1868 | synonym | Paragia nasuta Smith, 1868 | Primary | 252 |
ARTHROPODA | VESPIDAE | Paragia vespiformis Smith, 1865 | Valid Name | Paragia vespiformis Smith, 1865 | Introduction | 250 |