Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Swainson, W. 1851. Review. [book review] Australian Lepidoptera and Their Transformations Drawn from Life, by Harriet and Helena Scott, with Descriptions General and Systematic, by A.W. Scott. The Sydney Morning Herald. 30 August 1851.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA NOTODONTIDAE Cerura piscicaudata Swainson, 1851 nomen nudum Cerura australis Scott, 1864 Primary
ARTHROPODA NOTODONTIDAE Psalidostetha Swainson, 1851 synonym Psalidostetha Swainson, 1851 Primary
ARTHROPODA PAPILIONIDAE Amphrisius australis Swainson, 1851 synonym Ornithoptera richmondia (Gray, 1853) Primary 30 Aug 1851
ARTHROPODA LACTURIDAE Physicampa sapotearum Swainson, 1851 synonym Lactura sapotearum (Swainson, 1851) Primary

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