Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Verrill, A.E. 1884. Second catalogue of Mollusca recently added to the fauna of the New England coast and the adjacent parts of the Atlantic, consisting mostly of deep sea species, with notes on others previously recorded. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 6: 139-294 pls 28-32

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
MOLLUSCA RAPHITOMIDAE Gymnobela Verrill, 1884 synonym Gymnobela Verrill, 1884 Primary 157
MOLLUSCA RAPHITOMIDAE Gymnobela engonia Verrill, 1884 synonym Gymnobela engonia Verrill, 1884 Primary 157-158
MOLLUSCA AMPHITRETIDAE Bolitaena pygmaea (Verrill, 1884) synonym Bolitaena pygmaea (Verrill, 1884) Primary
MOLLUSCA CASSIDAE Benthodolium Verrill & Smith, 1884 synonym Oocorys Fischer, 1884 Primary 177
MOLLUSCA CHIROTEUTHIDAE Chiroteuthis diaphana Verrill, 1884 synonym Chiroteuthis veranii (Férrusac, 1834) Type Data
MOLLUSCA CHIROTEUTHIDAE Leptoteuthis diaphana Verrill, 1884 synonym Chiroteuthis veranii (Férrusac, 1834) Primary

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