Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Langdon, J.S., Gudkovs, N., Humphrey, J.D. & Saxon, E.C. 1985. Deaths in Australian freshwater fishes associated with Chilodonella hexasticha infection. Australian Veterinary Journal 62: 409-413

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CILIOPHORA CHILODONELLIDAE Amniataba percoides (Günther, 1864) [TERAPONIDAE] Barred Grunter (gills) Associated Fauna Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)
CILIOPHORA CHILODONELLIDAE Amniataba percoides (Günther, 1864) [TERAPONIDAE] Barred Grunter (gills) Associated Fauna Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)
CILIOPHORA CHILODONELLIDAE Leiopotherapon unicolor (Günther, 1859) [TERAPONTIDAE] Spangled Perch (gills) Associated Fauna Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)
CILIOPHORA CHILODONELLIDAE Leiopotherapon unicolor (Günther, 1859) [TERAPONTIDAE] Spangled Perch (gills) Associated Fauna Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)
CILIOPHORA CHILODONELLIDAE Melanotaenia nigrans (Richardson, 1843) [MELANOTAENIIDAE] Mauve Rainbow-fish, Yalgurnda (gills) Associated Fauna Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)
CILIOPHORA CHILODONELLIDAE Melanotaenia nigrans (Richardson, 1843) [MELANOTAENIIDAE] Mauve Rainbow-fish, Yalgurnda (gills) Associated Fauna Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)
CILIOPHORA CHILODONELLIDAE Nematalosa erebi (Günther, 1868) [CLUPEIDAE] Bony Bream (syn. N. elongata; gills) Associated Fauna Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)
CILIOPHORA CHILODONELLIDAE Nematalosa erebi (Günther, 1868) [CLUPEIDAE] Bony Bream (syn. N. elongata; gills) Associated Fauna Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)
CILIOPHORA CHILODONELLIDAE Neosilurus sp. [PLOTOSIDAE] (gills) Associated Fauna Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)
CILIOPHORA CHILODONELLIDAE Neosilurus sp. [PLOTOSIDAE] (gills) Associated Fauna Chilodonella hexasticha (Kiernik, 1909)

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