Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Hirschmann, W. 1975. Gangsystematik der Parasitiformes. Teil 210. Die Adulten der Gattung Trigonuropoda Trägardh 1952. Adulten-Gruppen und Bestimmungstabelle von 59 Trigonuropoda-Arten (Dinychini, Uropodinae). Acarologie. Schriftenreihe für Vergleichende Milbenkunde 21: 49-61

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA TRIGONUROPODIDAE TRIGONUROPODIDAE Hirschmann, 1979 (nomen nudum) Valid Name TRIGONUROPODIDAE Hirschmann, 1979 (nomen nudum) Introduction
ARTHROPODA TRIGONUROPODIDAE Trigonuropoda eustructura Hirschmann, 1975 Valid Name Trigonuropoda eustructura Hirschmann, 1975 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TRIGONUROPODIDAE Trigonuropoda nonpolyphemus Hirschmann, 1975 synonym Trigonuropoda nonpolyphemus Hirschmann, 1975 Primary
ARTHROPODA TRIGONUROPODIDAE Trigonuropoda terrae-reginaesimilis Hirschmann, 1975 original spelling Trigonuropoda terraereginaesimilis Hirschmann, 1975 Primary
ARTHROPODA TRIGONUROPODIDAE Trigonuropoda terraereginae Domrow, 1957 Valid Name Trigonuropoda terraereginae Domrow, 1957 Introduction
ARTHROPODA TRIGONUROPODIDAE Trigonuropoda tragardhi Hirschmann, 1975 Species Excluded Misidentifications TRIGONUROPODIDAE Hirschmann, 1979 (nomen nudum)
ARTHROPODA TRIGONUROPODIDAE Trigonuropoda tragardhi Hirschmann, 1975 Species Excluded Misidentifications TRIGONUROPODIDAE Hirschmann, 1979 (nomen nudum)
ARTHROPODA TRIGONUROPODIDAE Trigonuropoda trioculata Hirschmann, 1975 synonym Trigonuropoda trioculata Hirschmann, 1975 Primary
ARTHROPODA TRIGONUROPODIDAE Trigonuropoda trioculatasimilis Hirschmann, 1975 synonym Trigonuropoda trioculatasimilis Hirschmann, 1975 Primary

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