Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Hampson, G.F. 1916. Descriptions of new Pyralidae of the sub-families Epipaschianae Chrysauginae, Endotrichinae and Pyralinae. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 8 18: 126-160, 349-372

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CRAMBIDAE Cotachena fuscimarginalis Hampson, 1916 synonym Cotachena fuscimarginalis Hampson, 1916 Primary 370
ARTHROPODA PYRALIDAE Austropaschia Hampson, 1916 synonym Austropaschia Hampson, 1916 Primary 155
ARTHROPODA PYRALIDAE Austropaschia porrigens Hampson, 1916 synonym Austropaschia porrigens Hampson, 1916 Primary 155
ARTHROPODA PYRALIDAE Endotricha lignitalis Hampson, 1916 synonym Endotricha psammitis Turner, 1904 Primary 360
ARTHROPODA PYRALIDAE Endotricha occidentalis Hampson, 1916 synonym Endotricha occidentalis Hampson, 1916 Primary 361
ARTHROPODA PYRALIDAE Endotricha sareochroa Hampson, 1916 synonym Endotricha melanchroa Turner, 1911 Primary 362
ARTHROPODA PYRALIDAE Macalla albirufalis Hampson, 1916 synonym Lacalma albirufalis (Hampson, 1916) Primary 137
ARTHROPODA PYRALIDAE Orthaga lithochroa Hampson, 1916 synonym Orthaga lithochroa Hampson, 1916 Primary 152
ARTHROPODA PYRALIDAE Poliopaschia Hampson, 1916 synonym Enchesphora Turner, 1913 Primary 156
ARTHROPODA PYRALIDAE Poliopaschia brachypalpia Hampson, 1916 synonym Enchesphora brachypalpia (Hampson, 1916) Primary 156
ARTHROPODA PYRALIDAE Stericta mediovialis Hampson, 1916 synonym Stericta mediovialis Hampson, 1916 Primary 148

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