Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Oliver, P.G. & Holmes, A.M. 2004. Cryptic bivalves with descriptions of new species from the Rodrigues lagoon. Journal of Natural History 38: 3175-3227

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
MOLLUSCA CONDYLOCARDIIDAE Condylocuna io Bartsch, 1915 Valid Name Condylocuna io Bartsch, 1915 Introduction 3214-3216
MOLLUSCA LIMIDAE Ctenoides annulata (Lamarck, 1819) Valid Name Ctenoides annulata (Lamarck, 1819) Introduction 3194
MOLLUSCA SEMELIDAE Rochefortina Dall, 1924 Valid Name Rochefortina Dall, 1924 Introduction 3216
MOLLUSCA SEMELIDAE Rochefortina sandwichensis (Smith, 1885) Valid Name Rochefortina sandwichensis (Smith, 1885) Introduction 3217
MOLLUSCA SEMELIDAE Rochefortina sandwichensis (Smith, 1885) Generic Combination Rochefortina sandwichensis (Smith, 1885) 3217
MOLLUSCA GALEOMMATIDAE Galeomma denticulata Deshayes, 1863 Valid Name Galeomma denticulata Deshayes, 1863 Introduction 3197
MOLLUSCA GALEOMMATIDAE Galeomma sagenata Oliver & Holmes, 2004 synonym Galeomma denticulata Deshayes, 1863 Primary 3197

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