Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Samson, C. & Smart, P. 1980. A review of the genus Liphyra (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) of Indo-Australia, with descriptions of two new subspecies from the Solomon Archipelago. The Aurelian. A journal of Lepidoptera 1(4): 6-16

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA LYCAENIDAE Liphyra Westwood, 1864 Valid Name Liphyra Westwood, 1864 Introduction 9
ARTHROPODA LYCAENIDAE Liphyra Westwood, 1864 Valid Name Liphyra Westwood, 1864 Synonymy references 10
ARTHROPODA LYCAENIDAE Liphyra brassolis Westwood, 1864 Valid Name Liphyra brassolis Westwood, 1864 Introduction 11
ARTHROPODA LYCAENIDAE Liphyra brassolis major Rothschild, 1898 Valid Name Liphyra brassolis major Rothschild, 1898 Introduction 11
ARTHROPODA LYCAENIDAE Liphyra brassolis major Rothschild, 1898 Valid Name Liphyra brassolis major Rothschild, 1898 Introduction 11

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