Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Watson, J.A.L. 1962. The Dragonflies (Odonata) of South-Western Australia. A guide to the identification, ecology, distribution and affinities of larvae and adults. Handbook No. 7. Perth : Western Australian Naturalists' Club 72 pp.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ARGIOLESTIDAE Archiargiolestes pusillus (Tillyard, 1908) Valid Name Archiargiolestes pusillus (Tillyard, 1908) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ARGIOLESTIDAE Miniargiolestes minimus (Tillyard, 1908) Valid Name Miniargiolestes minimus (Tillyard, 1908) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COENAGRIONIDAE Austroagrion cyane (Selys, 1876) Valid Name Austroagrion cyane (Selys, 1876) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COENAGRIONIDAE Xanthagrion erythroneurum (Selys, 1876) Valid Name Xanthagrion erythroneurum (Selys, 1876) Introduction
ARTHROPODA GOMPHIDAE Armagomphus armiger (Tillyard, 1913) Valid Name Armagomphus armiger (Tillyard, 1913) Introduction
ARTHROPODA GOMPHIDAE Austrogomphus (Austrogomphus) collaris Hagen, 1854 Valid Name Austrogomphus (Austrogomphus) collaris Hagen, 1854 Introduction
ARTHROPODA GOMPHIDAE Austrogomphus gordoni Watson, 1962 synonym Austroepigomphus (Xerogomphus) gordoni Watson, 1962 Primary 13
ARTHROPODA GOMPHIDAE Zephyrogomphus lateralis (Selys, 1873) Valid Name Zephyrogomphus lateralis (Selys, 1873) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PETALURIDAE Petalura hesperia Watson, 1958 Valid Name Petalura hesperia Watson, 1958 Introduction
ARTHROPODA AESHNIDAE Adversaeschna brevistyla (Rambur, 1842) Valid Name Adversaeschna brevistyla (Rambur, 1842) Introduction
ARTHROPODA AESHNIDAE Austroaeschna anacantha Tillyard, 1908 Valid Name Austroaeschna anacantha Tillyard, 1908 Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Austrothemis nigrescens (Martin, 1901) Valid Name Austrothemis nigrescens (Martin, 1901) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Crocothemis nigrifrons (Kirby, 1894) Valid Name Crocothemis nigrifrons (Kirby, 1894) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Diplacodes bipunctata (Brauer, 1865) Valid Name Diplacodes bipunctata (Brauer, 1865) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Diplacodes haematodes (Burmeister, 1839) Valid Name Diplacodes haematodes (Burmeister, 1839) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Macrodiplax cora (Kaup, 1867) Valid Name Macrodiplax cora (Kaup, 1867) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Nannophya occidentalis (Tillyard, 1908) Valid Name Nannophya occidentalis (Tillyard, 1908) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Orthetrum caledonicum (Brauer, 1865) Valid Name Orthetrum caledonicum (Brauer, 1865) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798) Valid Name Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Trapezostigma stenoloba Watson, 1962 synonym Tramea stenoloba (Watson, 1962) Primary 15
ARTHROPODA LESTIDAE Austrolestes aleison Watson & Moulds, 1979 Valid Name Austrolestes aleison Watson & Moulds, 1979 Introduction
ARTHROPODA LESTIDAE Austrolestes analis (Rambur, 1842) Valid Name Austrolestes analis (Rambur, 1842) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LESTIDAE Austrolestes annulosus (Selys, 1862) Valid Name Austrolestes annulosus (Selys, 1862) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LESTIDAE Austrolestes aridus (Tillyard, 1908) Valid Name Austrolestes aridus (Tillyard, 1908) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LESTIDAE Austrolestes io (Selys, 1862) Valid Name Austrolestes io (Selys, 1862) Introduction
ARTHROPODA CORDULIIDAE Hemicordulia australiae (Rambur, 1842) Valid Name Hemicordulia australiae (Rambur, 1842) Introduction
ARTHROPODA CORDULIIDAE Hemicordulia tau (Selys, 1871) Valid Name Hemicordulia tau (Selys, 1871) Introduction
ARTHROPODA CORDULIIDAE Procordulia affinis (Selys, 1871) Valid Name Procordulia affinis (Selys, 1871) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SYNTHEMISTIDAE Archaeosynthemis occidentalis Tillyard, 1910 Valid Name Archaeosynthemis occidentalis Tillyard, 1910 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SYNTHEMISTIDAE Archaeosynthemis spiniger (Tillyard, 1913) Valid Name Archaeosynthemis spiniger (Tillyard, 1913) Introduction
ARTHROPODA SYNTHEMISTIDAE Austrosynthemis cyanitincta (Tillyard, 1908) Valid Name Austrosynthemis cyanitincta (Tillyard, 1908) Introduction
ARTHROPODA incertae sedis Hesperocordulia berthoudi Tillyard, 1911 Valid Name Hesperocordulia berthoudi Tillyard, 1911 Introduction
ARTHROPODA incertae sedis Lathrocordulia metallica Tillyard, 1911 Valid Name Lathrocordulia metallica Tillyard, 1911 Introduction

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