Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Kröber, O. 1939. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Conopiden. — IV. Die Conopiden der Australischen Region. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (11) 4: 594-607

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Australoconops aptatus (Walker, 1849) Valid Name Australoconops aptatus (Walker, 1849) Synonymy references 600
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE CONOPIDAE Latreille, 1802 Valid Name CONOPIDAE Latreille, 1802 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Conops aequatus Kröber, 1939 synonym Australoconops aequatus (Walker, 1849) Primary
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Conops inglorior Walker, 1849 Generic Combination Australoconops inglorior (Walker, 1849) 605
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Conops perbellum Kröber, 1939 synonym Australoconops perbellum (Kröber, 1939) Primary 601
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Conops pseudocellifer Kröber, 1939 synonym Australoconops pseudocellifer (Kröber, 1939) Primary 601
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Conops seminiger demeijerei Kröber, 1939 synonym Asiconops seminiger de Meijere, 1910 Primary 599
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Conops thoracicus Kröber, 1939 synonym Asiconops thoracicus Kröber, 1939 Primary 597
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Conops unicinctus Kröber, 1939 synonym Australoconops unicinctus (Kröber, 1939) Primary 603-604
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Physocephala nigrotestacea (Macquart, 1851) Generic Combination Physocephala nigrotestacea (Macquart, 1851) 597
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Stenoconops Kröber, 1939 synonym Stenoconops Kröber, 1939 Primary 606
ARTHROPODA CONOPIDAE Stenoconops niger Kröber, 1939 synonym Stenoconops niger Kröber, 1939 Primary 606-607

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