Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Kükenthal, W. 1903. Versuch einer Revision der Alcyonarien 2. Die Familie der Nephthyiden. Zoologische Jahrbücher (Systematik) 19(1): 99-178

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Ammothea graeffei Kükenthal, 1903 Type Species included Species Umbellulifera Thompson & Dean, 1931 113
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Ammothea virescens (Savignyi MS) in Lamarck, 1816 Type Species subsequent designation Litophyton Forsskål, 1775 106
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Capnella Gray, 1869 Valid Name Capnella Gray, 1869 Synonymy references
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Capnella fungiformis Kükenthal, 1903 synonym Capnella fungiformis Kükenthal, 1903 Primary 133
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Lithophyton arboreum Forsskål, 1775 Type Species subsequent designation Litophyton Forsskål, 1775 106
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Lithophytum fabellum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) Generic Combination Litophyton flabellum (Quoy & Gaimard, 1833) 111
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Lithophytum thrysoides (Kukenthal, 1903) Generic Combination Paralemnalia thyrsoides (Ehrenberg, 1828) 109
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Litophyton armatum Kükenthal, 1903 synonym Lemnalia armata (Kükenthal, 1903) Primary 122-123
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Nephthea cupressiformis Kükenthal, 1919 synonym Litophyton compressiformis (Kükenthal, 1903) Primary 153
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Nephthya crassa Kükenthal, 1903 synonym Litophyton crassum (Kükenthal, 1903) Primary 167
CNIDARIA NEPHTHEIDAE Scleronephthya Studer, 1887 Valid Name Scleronephthya Studer, 1887 Synonymy references 140

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