Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


McKay, R.J. 1976. The Wolf Spiders of Australia (Araneae: Lycosidae): 7. Two new species from Victoria. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 17: 413-416

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa mayama McKay, 1976 Generic Combination Venatrix esposica Framenau & Vink, 2001 413-415, figs 1, 1C, D
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa mayama McKay, 1976 Miscellaneous Literature Name Venatrix esposica Framenau & Vink, 2001 413-415, figs 1, 1C, D
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa mayama McKay, 1976 synonym Venatrix speciosa (L. Koch, 1877) Primary 413-415 figs 1, 1a-b
ARTHROPODA LYCOSIDAE Lycosa neboissi McKay, 1976 synonym Artoria flavimana Simon, 1909 Primary 415

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