Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Mound, L.A. & Morris, D.C. 2001. Domicile constructing phlaeothripine Thysanoptera from Acacia phyllodes in Australia: Dunatothrips Moulton and Sartrithrips gen.n., with a key to associated genera. Systematic Entomology 26: 401-419

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Dunatothrips Moulton, 1942 Valid Name Dunatothrips Moulton, 1942 Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Dunatothrips aulidis Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Dunatothrips aulidis Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 411
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Dunatothrips chapmani Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Dunatothrips chapmani Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 412
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Dunatothrips skene Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Dunatothrips skene Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 190
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Dunatothrips vestitor Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Dunatothrips vestitor Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 413
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Sartrithrips Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Sartrithrips Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 414
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Sartrithrips bapto Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Sartrithrips bapto Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 415
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Sartrithrips luctator Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Sartrithrips luctator Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 415, 416
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Sartrithrips mars Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Sartrithrips mars Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 416
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Sartrithrips popinator Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Sartrithrips popinator Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 416, 417
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Sartrithrips pyctus Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Sartrithrips pyctus Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 417
ARTHROPODA PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE Sartrithrips vesper Mound & Morris, 2001 synonym Sartrithrips vesper Mound & Morris, 2001 Primary 417, 418

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