Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Lea, A.M. 1929. Notes on some miscellaneous Coleoptera, with descriptions of new species. Part VII. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 53: 203-244

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CERAMBYCIDAE Porithea parenthetica Lea, 1929 synonym Porithodes parenthetica (Lea, 1929) Primary 223
ARTHROPODA CERAMBYCIDAE Somatidia olliffi Lea, 1929 synonym Somatidia tricolor Lea, 1929 Primary 222
ARTHROPODA CERAMBYCIDAE Somatidia tricolor Lea, 1929 synonym Somatidia tricolor Lea, 1929 Primary 222
ARTHROPODA CERAMBYCIDAE Somatidia villosa Lea, 1929 synonym Somatidia tricolor Lea, 1929 Primary 223
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Aproida cribrata Lea, 1929 synonym Aproida cribrata Lea, 1929 Primary 239
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Calomela flavida Lea, 1929 synonym Platymela flavida (Lea, 1929) Primary 226
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Calomela maculiceps Lea, 1929 synonym Platymela maculiceps (Lea, 1929) Primary 226
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Calomela picticornis Lea, 1929 synonym Calomela picticornis Lea, 1929 Primary 227
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Chalcolampra cribricollis Lea, 1929 synonym Palaeomela cribricollis (Lea, 1929) Primary 236
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Chalcolampra longicornis Lea, 1929 synonym Chalcolampra longicornis Lea, 1929 Primary 236
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Chalcomela aulica Lea, 1929 synonym Chalcomela aulica Lea, 1929 Primary 230
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Chalcomela erythroderes Lea, 1929 synonym Chalcomela erythroderes Lea, 1929 Primary 229
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Chrysomela multimaculata Lea, 1929 synonym Rhaebosterna multimaculata (Lea, 1929) Primary 225
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Eugastromela Lea, 1929 synonym Eugastromela Lea, 1929 Primary 237
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Eugastromela flavitarsis Lea, 1929 synonym Eugastromela metasternalis Lea, 1929 Primary 238
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Eugastromela metasternalis Lea, 1929 synonym Eugastromela metasternalis Lea, 1929 Primary 237
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Eugastromela spiniventra Lea, 1929 synonym Eugastromela spiniventer Lea, 1929 Primary 238
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Eulina haemosticta Lea, 1929 synonym Eulina haemosticta Lea, 1929 Primary 232
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Eulina pulchra Lea, 1929 synonym Eulina pulchra Lea, 1929 Primary 232
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Geomela tropica Lea, 1929 synonym Geomela tropica Lea, 1929 Primary 236
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Lamprolina minor Lea, 1929 synonym Lamprolina minor Lea, 1929 Primary 230
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Monolepta froggatti Blackburn, 1891 Valid Name Monolepta froggatti Blackburn, 1891 Synonymy references 240
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Oomela hieroglyphica Lea, 1929 synonym Alfius hieroglyphica (Lea, 1929) Primary 234
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Oomela nigrivitta Lea, 1929 synonym Oomela nigrivitta Lea, 1929 Primary 233
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Oomela picta Lea, 1929 synonym Alfius picta (Lea, 1929) Primary 235
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Oomela pictipennis Lea, 1929 synonym Alfius pictipennis (Lea, 1929) Primary 235
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Oomela trifasciata Lea, 1929 synonym Oomela trifasciata Lea, 1929 Primary 233
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Pseudoparopsis amplipennis Lea, 1929 synonym Plagiodera amplipennis (Lea, 1929) Primary 232
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Psylliodes lubricata howensis Lea, 1929 synonym Psylliodes brettinghami Baly, 1862 Primary 239
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Psylliodes lubricata norfolcensis Lea, 1929 synonym Psylliodes brettinghami Baly, 1862 Primary 239
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Stethomela armiventris Lea, 1929 synonym Paropsimorpha elegans (Baly, 1856) Primary 228
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Stethomela mirogastra Lea, 1929 synonym Paropsimorpha mirogaster (Lea, 1929) Primary 227
ARTHROPODA CHRYSOMELIDAE Stethomela ventralis Lea, 1929 synonym Paropsimorpha ventralis (Lea, 1929) Primary 229
ARTHROPODA COCCINELLIDAE Rhizobius erythrogaster Lea, 1929 subjective synonym Rhyzobius fagus (Broun, 1880) Primary 241
ARTHROPODA COCCINELLIDAE Rhizobius filicis Lea, 1929 synonym Rhyzobius filicis Lea, 1929 Primary 242
ARTHROPODA COCCINELLIDAE Rhizobius viridipennis Lea, 1929 synonym Rhyzobius viridipennis Lea, 1929 Primary 242
ARTHROPODA COCCINELLIDAE Scymnus flavifrons norfolcensis Lea, 1929 synonym Diomus pumilio Weise, 1885 Primary 244
ARTHROPODA COCCINELLIDAE Scymnus macrops Lea, 1929 synonym Diomus macrops (Lea, 1929) Primary 243
ARTHROPODA COCCINELLIDAE Scymnus obscuripennis Lea, 1929 synonym Parastethorus obscuripennis (Lea, 1929) Primary 243
ARTHROPODA COCCINELLIDAE Scymnus rostratus Lea, 1929 synonym Paraphellus rostratus (Lea, 1929) Primary 243
ARTHROPODA COCCINELLIDAE Scymnus variiceps Lea, 1929 synonym Diomus variiceps (Lea, 1929) Primary 244
ARTHROPODA CURCULIONIDAE Eutinophaea bicristata Lea, 1929 synonym Eutinophaea bicristata Lea, 1929 Primary 221
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Chondropyga gulosa (Janson, 1873) Valid Name Chondropyga gulosa (Janson, 1873) Taxonomic arrangement 212
ARTHROPODA SCARABAEIDAE Diaphonia gulosa angustiflava Lea, 1929 synonym Chondropyga gulosa angustiflava (Lea, 1929) Primary 212
ARTHROPODA STAPHYLINIDAE Acylophorus tenuipes Lea, 1929 synonym Anchocerus tenuipes (Lea, 1929) Primary 207
ARTHROPODA STAPHYLINIDAE Atanygnathus bicolor Lea, 1929 junior homonym Atanygnathus leai Scheerpeltz, 1933 Primary 208
ARTHROPODA STAPHYLINIDAE Cafius gigas Lea, 1929 synonym Cafius gigas Lea, 1929 Primary 204
ARTHROPODA STAPHYLINIDAE Diochus longus Lea, 1929 synonym Diochus longus Lea, 1929 Primary 203
ARTHROPODA STAPHYLINIDAE Diochus pubiventris Lea, 1929 synonym Diochus pubiventris Lea, 1929 Primary 203
ARTHROPODA STAPHYLINIDAE Heterothops myrmeciae Lea, 1929 synonym Heterothops myrmeciae Lea, 1929 Primary 205

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