Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Lieftinck, M.A. 1962. Insects of Micronesia Odonata. Insects of Micronesia 5(1): 1-95 1 map

Showing references 1 to 14 on page 1 of 1.

References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA COENAGRIONIDAE Agriocnemis femina (Brauer, 1868) Valid Name Agriocnemis femina (Brauer, 1868) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COENAGRIONIDAE Agrion (Ischnura) femina Brauer, 1868 synonym Agriocnemis femina (Brauer, 1868) Type Data 43
ARTHROPODA COENAGRIONIDAE Pseudagrion microcephalum (Rambur, 1842) Valid Name Pseudagrion microcephalum (Rambur, 1842) Introduction
ARTHROPODA COENAGRIONIDAE Teinobasis Kirby, 1890 Valid Name Teinobasis Kirby, 1890 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Agrionoptera insignis allogenes Tillyard, 1908 Valid Name Agrionoptera insignis allogenes Tillyard, 1908 Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Diplacodes trivialis (Rambur, 1842) Valid Name Diplacodes trivialis (Rambur, 1842) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Macrodiplax cora (Kaup, 1867) Valid Name Macrodiplax cora (Kaup, 1867) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Neurothemis Brauer, 1867 Valid Name Neurothemis Brauer, 1867 Distributions
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Orthetrum sabina (Drury, 1770) Valid Name Orthetrum sabina (Drury, 1770) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798) Valid Name Pantala flavescens (Fabricius, 1798) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Tholymis tillarga (Fabricius, 1798) Valid Name Tholymis tillarga (Fabricius, 1798) Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Tramea loewii Kaup, 1866 Valid Name Tramea loewii Kaup, 1866 Synonymy references 91
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Tramea propinqua Lieftinck, 1942 Valid Name Tramea propinqua Lieftinck, 1942 Introduction
ARTHROPODA LIBELLULIDAE Zyxomma petiolatum Rambur, 1842 Valid Name Zyxomma petiolatum Rambur, 1842 Introduction

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