Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Greenslade, P. 1985. Phenology and diversity of epigaeic Collembola in the Mt Lofty Ranges. pp. 60–62 in Greenslade, Penelope & Majer, J.D. (eds) Soil and litter invertebrates of Australian mediterranean-type ecosystems. WAIT School of Biology Bulletin. No. 12.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA BOURLETIELLIDAE Corynephoria absoloni Womersley, 1939 Valid Name Corynephoria absoloni Womersley, 1939 Introduction
ARTHROPODA ENTOMOBRYIDAE Entomobrya multifasciata (Tullberg, 1871) Valid Name Entomobrya multifasciata (Tullberg, 1871) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ENTOMOBRYIDAE Entomobrya nivalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Valid Name Entomobrya nivalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HYPOGASTRURIDAE Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall, 1941) Valid Name Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall, 1941) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HYPOGASTRURIDAE Hypogastrura vernalis (Carl, 1901) Valid Name Hypogastrura vernalis (Carl, 1901) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ISOTOMIDAE Folsomides parvulus Stach, 1922 Valid Name Folsomides parvulus Stach, 1922 Introduction
ARTHROPODA KATIANNIDAE Katianna australis australis Womersley, 1932 Valid Name Katianna australis australis Womersley, 1932 Introduction

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