Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Powell, A.W.B. 1958. Mollusca from the Victoria-Ross quadrants of Antarctica. Report of the British, Australian and New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition, 1928–31 Reports B 6: 165-215

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
MOLLUSCA CANCELLARIIDAE Admete enderbyensis Powell, 1958 synonym Admete enderbyensis Powell, 1958 Primary
MOLLUSCA CAPULIDAE Lippistes exilis Powell, 1958 synonym Torellia exilis (Powell, 1958) Primary 188, pl. 2, fig. 9
MOLLUSCA CAPULIDAE Trichoconcha planispira (Smith, 1915) Generic Combination Torellia planispira (Smith, 1915) 188
MOLLUSCA CYCLOCHLAMYDIDAE Cyclopecten hexagonalis Powell, 1958 synonym Cyclochlamys hexagonalis (Powell, 1958) Primary 176, pl.1, fig.3
MOLLUSCA CYCLOCHLAMYDIDAE Cyclopecten thielei Powell, 1958 synonym Cyclochlamys gaussianus (Thiele, 1912) Primary 176, pl. 1 figs 1, 2
MOLLUSCA ERATOIDAE Notoficula bouveti (Thiele, 1912) Valid Name Notoficula bouveti (Thiele, 1912) Introduction 193
MOLLUSCA ERATOIDAE Notoficula bouveti (Thiele, 1912) Generic Combination Notoficula bouveti (Thiele, 1912) 193
MOLLUSCA EULIMIDAE Balcis convexa (Smith, 1907) Generic Combination Melanella convexa (Smith, 1907) 187
MOLLUSCA FISSURELLIDAE Parmaphorella mawsoni Powell, 1958 synonym Parmaphorella mawsoni Powell, 1958 Primary 180, pl.3, fig.9
MOLLUSCA FISSURELLIDAE Puncturella (Fissurisepta) enderbyensis Powell, 1958 Valid Name Puncturella (Fissurisepta) enderbyensis Powell, 1958 Introduction
MOLLUSCA FISSURELLIDAE Puncturella enderbyensis Powell, 1958 synonym Puncturella (Fissurisepta) enderbyensis Powell, 1958 Primary
MOLLUSCA LIMOPSIDAE Limopsis enderbyensis Powell, 1958 synonym Limopsis (Oliveropsis) enderbyensis Powell, 1958 Primary 172, pl. 1, fig. 4
MOLLUSCA NATICIDAE Amauropsis xantha (Watson, 1881) Generic Combination Falsilunatia xantha (Watson, 1881) 189
MOLLUSCA NATICIDAE Falsilunatia xantha (Watson, 1881) Valid Name Falsilunatia xantha (Watson, 1881) Introduction 189
MOLLUSCA RAPHITOMIDAE Pleurotomella enderbyensis Powell, 1958 synonym Pleurotomella enderbyensis Powell, 1958 Primary 203, pl. 2, fig. 8
MOLLUSCA NEWTONIELLIDAE Cerithiella eulimella Powell, 1958 synonym Cerithiella eulimella Powell, 1958 Primary
MOLLUSCA PHILOBRYIDAE Hochstetteria obesa Powell, 1958 synonym Philobrya obesa (Powell, 1958) Primary 174, pl. 1, fig. 5 & 6
MOLLUSCA PHILOBRYIDAE Philobrya obesa (Powell, 1958) Valid Name Philobrya obesa (Powell, 1958) Introduction 174
MOLLUSCA MARGINELLIDAE Marginella ealesae Powell, 1958 synonym Volvarina ealesae (Powell, 1958) Primary 200, fig. B.1
MOLLUSCA SOLARIELLIDAE Solariella antarctica Powell, 1958 synonym Solariella antarctica Powell, 1958 Primary 183, pl.2, fig.4
MOLLUSCA CALLIOSTOMATIDAE Venustatrochus secundus Powell, 1958 synonym Venustatrochus secundus Powell, 1958 Primary 181, pl.2, fig. 3
MOLLUSCA MURICIDAE Trophon enderbyensis Powell, 1958 synonym Trophonella enderbyensis (Powell, 1958) Primary 197, pl. 3, fig. 1
MOLLUSCA RISSOIDAE Subonoba contigua Powell, 1958 synonym Subonoba gelida (Smith, 1907) Primary 184, pl. 1, fig. 8
MOLLUSCA PROSIPHONIDAE Bathydomus thielei Powell, 1958 synonym Antarctodomus thielei (Powell, 1958) Primary 194, pl. 3, fig. 8
MOLLUSCA PROSIPHONIDAE Chlanificula Powell, 1958 synonym Chlanificula Powell, 1958 Primary
MOLLUSCA PROSIPHONIDAE Chlanificula thielei Powell, 1958 synonym Chlanificula thielei Powell, 1958 Primary 193
MOLLUSCA PROSIPHONIDAE Prosipho daphnelloides Powell, 1958 synonym Prosipho elongatus Thiele, 1912 Primary 196, pl. 1, fig. 9
MOLLUSCA PROSIPHONIDAE Prosipho hedleyi Powell, 1958 synonym Prosipho hedleyi Powell, 1958 Primary 195, pl. 2, fig. 7
MOLLUSCA PROSIPHONIDAE Prosipho reversus Powell, 1958 synonym Antistreptus reversus (Powell, 1958) Primary 197, pl. 2, fig. 6
MOLLUSCA TURBINIDAE Antimargarita smithiana (Hedley, 1916) Generic Combination Antimargarita smithiana (Hedley, 1916) 183
MOLLUSCA HORAICLAVIDAE Spirotropis remota Powell, 1958 synonym Micropleurotoma remota (Powell, 1958) Primary p. 204 pl. 2 fig. 5
MOLLUSCA MANGELIIDAE Lorabela davisi (Hedley, 1916) Generic Combination Propebela davisi (Hedley, 1916) 202
MOLLUSCA PSEUDOMELATOMIDAE Leucosyrinx macrobertsoni Powell, 1958 synonym Leucosyrinx macrobertsoni Powell, 1958 Primary 202, pl. 3, fig. 5
MOLLUSCA PSEUDOMELATOMIDAE Leucosyrinx mawsoni Powell, 1958 synonym Leucosyrinx mawsoni Powell, 1958 Primary 201, pl. 3, fig. 4

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