Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Kou, Q., Li, X.Z. & Bruce, A.J. 2014. Designation of a new genus Bathymenes for the deep-sea pontoniine shrimps of the 'Periclimenes alcocki species group' (Decapoda, Caridea, Palaemonidae), with a checklist of the species assigned to the genus. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Bathymenes Kou, Li & Bruce, 2014 synonym Bathymenes Kou, Li & Bruce, 2014 Primary
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Bathymenes alcocki (Kemp, 1922) Valid Name Bathymenes alcocki (Kemp, 1922) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Bathymenes alcocki (Kemp, 1922) Generic Combination Bathymenes alcocki (Kemp, 1922)
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Bathymenes aleator (Bruce, 1991) Valid Name Bathymenes aleator (Bruce, 1991) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Bathymenes aleator (Bruce, 1991) Generic Combination Bathymenes aleator (Bruce, 1991)
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Bathymenes paralcocki (Li & Bruce, 2006) Generic Combination Bathymenes paralcocki (Li & Bruce, 2006)
ARTHROPODA PALAEMONIDAE Bathymenes tangeroa (Bruce, 2005) Generic Combination Bathymenes tangeroa (Bruce, 2005)

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