Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Schellenberg, A. 1931. Gammariden und Caprelliden des Magellangebietes, Südgeorgiens und der Westantarktis. Further Zoological Results of the Swedish Antarctic Expedition, 1901-1903 2(6): 1-290 pl. 1

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ACANTHONOTOZOMELLIDAE Acanthonotozomoides Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Acanthonotozomoides Schellenberg, 1931 Primary 124
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Amphilochus squamosus Thomson, 1880 Species Excluded Misidentifications Amphilochus Spence Bate, 1862
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Amphilochus squamosus Thomson, 1880 Species Excluded Misidentifications Amphilochus Spence Bate, 1862
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Gitanopsis squamosa (Thomson, 1880) Species Excluded Misidentifications Gitanopsis Sars, 1892
ARTHROPODA AMPHILOCHIDAE Gitanopsis squamosa (Thomson, 1880) Species Excluded Misidentifications Gitanopsis Sars, 1892
ARTHROPODA EXOEDICEROTIDAE Methalimedon Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Methalimedon Schellenberg, 1931 Primary 150
ARTHROPODA EXOEDICEROTIDAE Methalimedon nordenskjoeldi Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Methalimedon nordenskjoeldi Schellenberg, 1931 Primary 150, fig. 79
ARTHROPODA GAMMARELLIDAE Gondogeneia simplex (Dana, 1852) Species Excluded Misidentifications Gondogeneia J.L. Barnard, 1972
ARTHROPODA GAMMARELLIDAE Gondogeneia simplex (Dana, 1852) Species Excluded Misidentifications Gondogeneia J.L. Barnard, 1972
ARTHROPODA ISCHYROCERIDAE Pseudischyrocerus Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Pseudischyrocerus Schellenberg, 1931 Primary 254
ARTHROPODA ISCHYROCERIDAE Pseudischyrocerus distichon (K.H. Barnard, 1930) Generic Combination Pseudischyrocerus distichon (K.H. Barnard, 1930) 255, fig. 133
ARTHROPODA LILJEBORGIIDAE Liljeborgia georgiana Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Liljeborgia georgiana Schellenberg, 1931 Primary 135, fig. 72
ARTHROPODA LILJEBORGIIDAE Lilljeborgiella Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Liljeborgia Spence Bate, 1862 Primary 136
ARTHROPODA AMATHILLOPSIDAE Parepimeriella Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Parepimeria Chevreux, 1911 Primary 165
ARTHROPODA OEDICEROTIDAE Oediceroides macrodactylus Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Oediceroides macrodactylus Schellenberg, 1931 Primary 140, fig. 74
ARTHROPODA PHOXOCEPHALIDAE Pseudharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Pseudharpinia Schellenberg, 1931 Primary 81
ARTHROPODA IPHIMEDIIDAE Iphimediopsis Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Iphimedia Rathke, 1843 Primary 126
ARTHROPODA IPHIMEDIIDAE Pariphimediella microdentata (Schellenberg, 1926) Generic Combination Iphimediella microdentata Schellenberg, 1926 119
ARTHROPODA IPHIMEDIIDAE Pariphimediella serrata (Schellenberg, 1926) Generic Combination Iphimediella serrata (Schellenberg, 1926) 121
ARTHROPODA PONTOGENEIIDAE Atyloides gracilis (Pfeffer, 1888) Generic Combination Schraderia gracilis Pfeffer, 1888 193
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Paralysianopsis Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Paralysianopsis Schellenberg, 1931 Primary 7
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Paralysianopsis odhneri Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Paralysianopsis odhneri Schellenberg, 1931 Primary 7, fig. 2
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Stomatacontion pepinii (Stebbing, 1888) Generic Combination Stomacontion pepinii (Stebbing, 1888) 5, fig. 1
ARTHROPODA LYSIANASSIDAE Tryphosa bispinosa Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Tryphosella bispinosa (Schellenberg, 1931) Primary 32, fig 14
ARTHROPODA STENOTHOIDAE Pseudothaumatelson Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Pseudothaumatelson Schellenberg, 1931 Primary 110
ARTHROPODA URISTIDAE Tryphosella georgiana Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Uristes georgianus (Schellenberg, 1931) Primary 30, fig. 13
ARTHROPODA URISTIDAE Uristoides Schellenberg, 1931 synonym Uristes Dana, 1849 Primary 27

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