Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Thomson, S. & Georges, A. 2009. Myuchelys gen. nov. — a new genus for Elseya latisternum and related forms of Australian freshwater turtles (Testudines: Pleurodira: Chelidae). Zootaxa 2035: 35-42

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
CHORDATA CHELIDAE Myuchelys Thomson & Georges, 2009 synonym Myuchelys Thompson & Georges, 2009 Primary
CHORDATA CHELIDAE Myuchelys bellii (Gray, 1844) Generic Combination Myuchelys bellii (Gray, 1844) 28
CHORDATA CHELIDAE Myuchelys georgesi (Cann, 1997) Generic Combination Myuchelys georgesi (Cann, 1997)
CHORDATA CHELIDAE Myuchelys latisternum (Gray, 1867) Generic Combination Myuchelys latisternum (Gray, 1867)
CHORDATA CHELIDAE Myuchelys purvisi (Wells & Wellington, 1985) Generic Combination Myuchelys purvisi (Wells & Wellington, 1985)

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