Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Roig-Juñent, S.A. 2000. The subtribes and genera of the tribe Broscini (Coleoptera: Carabidae): cladistic analysis, taxonomic treatment and biogeographical considerations. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 255: 1-90

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Adotela Castelnau, 1867 Valid Name Adotela Castelnau, 1867 Synonymy references 55
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Adotela concolor Castelnau, 1867 Type Species subsequent designation Adotela Castelnau, 1867 55
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Anheterus ambiguus (Sloane, 1892) Generic Combination Anheterus ambiguus (Sloane, 1892) 70
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Anheterus distinctus (Sloane, 1890) Generic Combination Anheterus distinctus (Sloane, 1890) 70
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Broscinae Hope, 1838 Valid Name Broscinae Hope, 1838 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Broscini Hope, 1838 Valid Name Broscini Hope, 1838 Introduction
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Cerotalis substriata Castelnau, 1867 Type Species subsequent designation Cerotalis Castelnau, 1867 53
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Chylnus concolor (Sloane, 1892) Generic Combination Chylnus concolor (Sloane, 1892) 87
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Chylnus montanum (Castelnau, 1867) Generic Combination Chylnus montanum (Castelnau, 1867) 38
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Chylnus substriatum (Moore, 1960) Generic Combination Chylnus substriatum (Moore, 1960) 38
ARTHROPODA CARABIDAE Gnathoxys granularis Westwood, 1839 Type Species subsequent designation Gnathoxys Westwood, 1842 57

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