Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Schicha, E. 1980. Two new species of phytoseiid mites from Australia and redescription of six from New Zealand and Japan. General and Applied Entomology 12: 16-31

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA PHYTOSEIIDAE Amblyseius neomarkwelli Schicha, 1980 synonym Scapulaseius neomarkwelli (Schicha, 1980) Primary
ARTHROPODA PHYTOSEIIDAE Neoseiulella corrugata (Schicha, 1983) Valid Name Neoseiulella corrugata (Schicha, 1983) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHYTOSEIIDAE Neoseiulella cottieri (Collyer, 1964) Valid Name Neoseiulella cottieri (Collyer, 1964) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHYTOSEIIDAE Neoseiulella dachanti (Collyer, 1964) Valid Name Neoseiulella dachanti (Collyer, 1964) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHYTOSEIIDAE Neoseiulella glenfieldensis Schicha, 1980 synonym Neoseiulella manukae (Collyer, 1964) Primary
ARTHROPODA PHYTOSEIIDAE Neoseiulella manukae (Collyer, 1964) Valid Name Neoseiulella manukae (Collyer, 1964) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHYTOSEIIDAE Neoseiulella novaezealandiae (Collyer, 1964) Valid Name Neoseiulella novaezealandiae (Collyer, 1964) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHYTOSEIIDAE Neoseiulus harrowi (Collyer, 1964) Valid Name Neoseiulus harrowi (Collyer, 1964) Introduction
ARTHROPODA PHYTOSEIIDAE Scapulaseius markwelli (Schicha, 1979) Valid Name Scapulaseius markwelli (Schicha, 1979) Introduction

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