Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Carruthers, G.F., Walker, P.W., Greenslade, P., & Hooper, G.H.S. 2000. Impact of aerially applied fenitrothion on the collembolan fauna of arid grasslands of inland Australia. Australian Plague Locust Commission Research Reports. 51-60 pp.

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA BRACHYSTOMELLIDAE Setanodosa Salmon, 1942 Valid Name Setanodosa Salmon, 1942 Distributions
ARTHROPODA HYPOGASTRURIDAE Xenylla Tullberg, 1869 Valid Name Xenylla Tullberg, 1869 Distributions
ARTHROPODA ISOTOMIDAE Hemisotoma thermophilus (Axelson, 1900) Valid Name Hemisotoma thermophilus (Axelson, 1900) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ISOTOMIDAE Isotoma Bourlet, 1839 Valid Name Isotoma Bourlet, 1839 Distributions
ARTHROPODA NEANURIDAE Paleonura Cassagnau, 1982 Valid Name Paleonura Cassagnau, 1982 Distributions

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