Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Greenslade, P. & Wise, K.A.J. 1986. Collembola of Macquarie Island. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum 23: 67-97

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ENTOMOBRYIDAE Lepidobrya mawsoni (Tillyard, 1920) Valid Name Lepidobrya mawsoni (Tillyard, 1920) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ENTOMOBRYIDAE Lepidosira (Lepidosira) terraereginae (Ellis & Bellinger, 1973) Valid Name Lepidosira (Lepidosira) terraereginae (Ellis & Bellinger, 1973) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HYPOGASTRURIDAE Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall, 1941) Valid Name Ceratophysella denticulata (Bagnall, 1941) Introduction
ARTHROPODA HYPOGASTRURIDAE Hypogastrura purpurescens (Lubbock, 1868) Valid Name Hypogastrura purpurescens (Lubbock, 1868) Introduction
ARTHROPODA ISOTOMIDAE Sorensia subflava Salmon, 1949 Species Excluded Misidentifications Folsomotoma Bagnall, 1949
ARTHROPODA KATIANNIDAE Katianna banzarei Salmon, 1964 Valid Name Katianna banzarei Salmon, 1964 Introduction
ARTHROPODA KATIANNIDAE Sminthurinus kerguelensis Salmon, 1964 Valid Name Sminthurinus kerguelensis Salmon, 1964 Introduction
ARTHROPODA NEANURIDAE Friesea tilbrooki Wise, 1970 Valid Name Friesea tilbrooki Wise, 1970 Introduction

Showing references 1 to 8 on page 1 of 1.