Australian Biological Resources Study

Australian Faunal Directory


Rainbow, W.J. 1912. Araneidae from the Blackall Ranges. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 1: 190-202

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References for selected publication in Australian Faunal Directory
Phylum Family Name Name Type Valid Name Usage Page
ARTHROPODA ARANEIDAE Araneus notandus Rainbow, 1912 synonym Neoscona notanda (Rainbow, 1912) Primary 196
ARTHROPODA ARANEIDAE Araneus transversus Rainbow, 1912 synonym Abba transversa (Rainbow, 1912) Primary 197
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Astia hariola L. Koch, 1879 Valid Name Astia hariola L. Koch, 1879 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Menemerus acuminatus Rainbow, 1912 synonym Menemerus bivittatus (Dufour, 1831) Primary 201, figs 15, 16
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Opisthoncus alborufescens L. Koch, 1880 Valid Name Opisthoncus alborufescens L. Koch, 1880 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Opisthoncus mordax L. Koch, 1880 Valid Name Opisthoncus mordax L. Koch, 1880 Introduction
ARTHROPODA SALTICIDAE Opisthoncus polyphemus (L. Koch, 1867) Valid Name Opisthoncus polyphemus (L. Koch, 1867) Introduction
ARTHROPODA THERIDIIDAE Argyrodes nigronodosa Rainbow, 1912 synonym Thwaitesia nigronodosa (Rainbow, 1912) Primary 193
ARTHROPODA CORINNIDAE Storena variepes Rainbow, 1912 synonym Nyssus coloripes Walckenaer, 1805 Primary 192
ARTHROPODA LINYPHIIDAE Bathyphantes montanus Rainbow, 1912 synonym Bathyphantes montanus Rainbow, 1912 Primary 194

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